Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


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Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

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Copyright © 1998
Macquarie University.
All rights reserved.

Saturday 8th. Decr.
---At 9 o'clock this morning immediately after Breakfast, Mrs. M. and myself set out in the Carriage from Windsor for Parramatta, accompanied by the Gentlemen of our Family and Mr. Hassall. ---We halted for about a quarter of an Hour at Lt.Col. O'Connell's Farm of Riverston (granted to him by me on his marriage) distant about six miles from Windsor on the High Road to Parramatta; examined his Dairy and Stock-yards, and then pursued our journey. ---On our arriving near the Districts of the Seven Hills and Toongabbee, I quitted the Carriage and mounted my Horse in order to take a view of the Farms in those two Districts; leaving Mrs. M. to pursue her journey in the Carriage to Parramatta, attended by the Orderly Dragoon Serjeant; our Servants and Baggage having been sent off thither early this morning from Windsor. ---Mr. Hassall attended me as Guide to lead me through the numerous Farms in these two Districts, all of which I either saw at a short distance or actually visited in the course of this day's Journey. ---The soil of those Farms is in general, very bad, and exhausted by the Settlers constantly keeping the same Fields in Tillage and giving them no artificial manure. The Houses or rather Huts of the Settlers are very bad, mean, and inconveniently constructed; themselves and their Families badly clothed, and apparently very ill and poorly fed. ---I spoke to and admonished many of them to pay more attention in future to their own Personal cleanliness and comfort and to build themselves better Houses to live in; promising to such as followed this good advice every reasonable assistance and encouragement from Government. ---Having seen all the Farms in the Seven Hills and Toongabbee Districts, I pursued my Journey home to Parramatta, where I arrived at 1/2 past 4 o'clock; finding Mrs. Macquarie at Government House before me.---

Copyright © 1998-2009 Macquarie University.
All rights reserved.