Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Copyright © 1998
Macquarie University.
All rights reserved.

Tuesday 4th. Decr.
--- Wishing to explore the Hawkesbury River, down as far as Portland Head, and at the same time view the Front Farms on both Banks that far, I set out this morning between 5 and 6 o'clock, accompanied by Mrs. Macquarie, Mrs. Cartwright, Mr. Cartwright, Mr. Cox, Mr. Hassall, and the Gentlemen of our Family, in the late Mr. Thompson's Barge and another smaller Boat, on our Excursion to Portland Head. ---We stopt [sic] at Govr. Bligh's Farm of Blighton, about six miles below the Green Hills on the Right Bank of the River, a very beautiful situation; and after walking about the grounds there for half an hour we proceeded on our Voyage down the River. ---At 8 o'clock we stopped at the New School-House recently erected by Subscription, on the left Bank of the River, a little below Caddye-Creek, but on the opposite side, where we had determined to Breakfast, which was accordingly prepared with all convenient haste within the New School-House, which is prettily situated on the Bank of the River. ---Here Doctor Arndell came to pay us a visit from his Farm on Caddye Creek on the opposite side of the River, and Breakfasted with us. ---After Breakfast we embarked again and prosecuted our voyage down the River, the Banks of which begin here to be very high and Rocky in most places. ---The Farms on both Banks, especially those on the Left Bank, are rich and well cultivated, and make a pretty appearance from the water, being generally interspersed with extensive Orchards of Peaches and other Fruits. ---We reached Portland Head, which is about twenty miles by the windings of the River from the Green Hills, about 12 o'clock; and there being nothing of consequence to be seen lower down the River at this time, we retraced our steps back the same way we came till we arrived at Caddye Creek, where we quitted our Boat and landed at Dr. Arndell's Farm, where we had directed our Carriage & Horses to meet us, and where we found them accordingly waiting for us; the Boats proceeding Home with our Servants & Baggage.

We arrived at Dr. Arndell's House about 2 o'clock, and having rested ourselves for about half an hour there, I set out on Horseback along with the Surveyors, Mr. Cox & Mr. Cartwright to survey and examine the Ground most eligible for a Town & Township in the Nelson District on the Common belonging to that District; Mrs. Macquarie proceeding home in the Carriage. ---Having rode over the Common in various directions, we at length determined upon the part of it most eligible and convenient for a Township, immediately in rear of the Back Line of Farms, and entirely out of the reach of the inundation of the River. ---We then rode home and arrived at the Government Cottage at 1/2 past 6 o'clock in the Evening. ---Mrs. M. had got Home long before us, and had Dinner ready prepared for us, which we enjoyed very much after our long water Excursion in the morning and fatiguing afternoon's ride. ----

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All rights reserved.