Macquarie University
Balaclava Road, North Ryde, Sydney, Australia
Outstanding research that's well above world standard
Macquarie University's research reputation was upheld by the most recent 2018 round of the Australian Government's Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) initiative.
We received a perfect 5 out of 5 score in physical sciences, environmental sciences, biological sciences and in agricultural and veterinary sciences. This means our research performance in these areas is outstanding, well above world standard. It includes the studies of:
- pure mathematics
- optical physics
- astronomical and space sciences
- macromolecular and materials chemistry
- ecological applications
- atmospheric sciences
- environmental science and management
- ecology
- evolutionary biology
- genetics
- horticultural production
- computation theory and mathematics
- electrical and electronic engineering.
Five broad areas were ranked as above world standard, including mathematical, chemical and earth sciences, engineering, and information and computing sciences.
The Faculty of Science and Engineering offers research training degrees leading to Master of Research and higher degrees by research leading to PhD.
Research centres and groups
The Faculty of Science and Engineering includes many research centres and groups, and is home to over half of Macquarie University’s Centres of Research Excellence.
- AAO Macquarie
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Synthetic Biology (SynBio)
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems (CCFS)
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQuS)
- ARC Centre for Fruit Fly Biosecurity Innovation
- ARC Training Centre for Molecular Technology in the Food Industry
- Australian Proteome Analysis Facility (APAF)
- The birthplace of Risk Frontiers
- Astrophysics and Space Technologies
- Data Horizons (hosted by all four faculties)
- Smart Green Cities
- Future Communications
Faculty visiting researcher scheme
Visiting Research Fellowships are targeted at researchers of very high standing relative to their career stage, and who are invited by a Faculty academic staff member for a short period of time. The Faculty will provide up to $10,000 for each visitor to help cover costs of the visit, depending upon length of stay and travel costs. Larger amounts may be requested in exceptional circumstances and/or in combination with other schemes.
Faculty safety net
The University runs a safety net scheme to assist researchers who have been ranked in the top 10% of unsuccessful applications in the ARC Discovery and Linkage Programs, and Category 6 NHMRC Project, Development and Partnership applications.
The Faculty of Science and Engineering also offers a safety net scheme for applications that fall into the 10–25% band of unsuccessful applications. The Faculty scheme provides up to $10,000 for anything that will make the proposal more competitive in subsequent rounds. Following the announcement of results for eligible funding schemes, the Faculty will contact you if your application fell within this band.