Wetlands in drylands

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Science and Engineering
  3. Schools and departments
  4. School of Natural Sciences
  5. Our research
  6. Impact case studies
  7. Wetlands in drylands

A contradiction providing critical ecosystem services

Many semi-arid and arid landscapes (drylands) around the world host rivers, shallow lakes, marshes, swamps, and various periodically wet areas that provide critical ecosystem services.

Magpie geese in Macquarie Marshes

Wetlands in drylands

Our researchers engage with collaborators and communities widely across Australia, southern Africa, the Americas and Europe to understand why these wetlands are so important, how they function, and what threatens them.

We also examine how an improved understanding of rivers and wetlands can be translated to support and enhance their conservation and management.

We also convene and participate in workshops and a range of on-ground and online activities to facilitate communication of novel ideas and findings, and to kick-start and maintain collaborative and interdisciplinary partnerships and projects.

Much of this is done in conjunction with other members of the international Wetlands in Drylands Research Network.

The wetlands in drylands research team

Wetlands in Drylands Research Network members in the Macquarie Marshes, NSW, Australia (photo credit Gavin Smith).

Dr Tim Ralph
Macquarie University

Dr Zacc Larkin
Macquarie University

Associate Professor Paul Hesse
Macquarie University

Professor Kirstie Fryirs
Macquarie University

  • state government agencies
  • Australian Commonwealth Government
  • government
  • community-based conservation and environmental management groups
  • local land service agencies and communities
  • secondary school and university students.

The research seeks to document and quantify river and wetland forms and processes, water quality and aquatic ecosystem functions, and geoecological responses to human disturbance. This helps with interpretation of long-term landscape evolution, and assessment of the hazards and risks of future pressures on wetlands in drylands.

This work is published individually or collaboratively in peer-reviewed journals and books, and is translated into outreach and media articles, secondary school review papers, and booklets and pamphlets to enhance dissemination and uptake in government agencies and local communities.

The research is often targeted towards and applied by partners and end-users who use the improved understanding of hydrology, geomorphology and ecology in wetlands in drylands to assist water and wetland decision-making, inform conservation and management planning, and to engage with local communities on a spectrum of environmental issues.

Key contributions to environmental conservation, management and planning include inputs to:

Related outputs from the Wetlands in Drylands Research Network include:

Understanding and management of wetlands in drylands
Geomorphology of wetlands in drylands
Long-term river and wetland change in drylands
Aquatic ecosystem function of wetlands in drylands
Conference proceedings and blogs

Countries where impact occurred

The USA, Bolivia, the UK, Botswana, South Africa, Australia.

A map of the world