Our research

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Science and Engineering
  3. Schools and departments
  4. School of Natural Sciences
  5. Our research
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18 Wally's Walk, Ground Floor
Macquarie University NSW 2109
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Understanding the world through collaborative research

We undertake world-leading research and work together with industry and other academic institutions to discover, innovate, and find solutions to real-world challenges.

Our hallmark is a capacity to examine complex questions from multiple perspectives and to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration within our School and around the world

Areas of research excellence

We’re nationally and internationally recognised for our areas of research excellence:

We host the largest concentration of animal behaviour and comparative neurobiology researchers in Australia. The Australian has ranked Macquarie University number one in Australia in Animal Behaviour and Ethology in the last two years.

We study a range of animal species – such as spiders, insects, snails and mussels, fish, reptiles, birds and mammals, including marine mammals – to understand their ecology, evolution, development, and the function of the nervous system, and how these factors influence cognitive ability and their behavioural repertoire.

An important aspect of the work in this field is understanding how animals interact with each other and the physical environment. Examples include:

  • the evolution of sociality in lizards
  • decision making and navigation in the miniature brains of ants and bees
  • sensory perception in sharks
  • the use of colour and motion in visual communication
  • the evolution of anti-predatory strategies
  • the experience of pain by fishes.

Our research on animal behaviour and neuroscience has practical applications in:

  • autonomous robotic systems
  • animal welfare
  • agricultural production
  • conservation and management of invasive species
  • environmental pollution and habitat restoration
  • ecosystem health
  • human-animal interactions.

We combine studies of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and human interactions.

Understanding earth systems requires in-depth knowledge of processes at the Earth’s surface, in its atmosphere, and in its deep interior on a wide variety of scales in space and time. These are measured, monitored, modelled and imaged using a range of physical, chemical, biological, geospatial, mathematical and social science techniques.

Our research into surface environments of the past and present combines studies of landscape forms and evolution (rivers, wetlands and coasts) with evolutionary analysis of environmental change. Results inform projections of future climate and anthropogenic impacts on the environment and possible adaptation and mitigation solutions. Processes in the deep interior occur on much longer timescales and include geochemical research that tracks the evolution of the solid Earth.

Healthy ecosystems are crucial to maintaining global biodiversity and ecosystem functions that also sustain us and our economies, wellbeing and Indigenous cultures, yet the environment is under threat from human activities and global change. Sustainable conservation, management and mitigation solutions are required for the 21st century.

Our researchers are recognised nationally and internationally as leaders in climate change adaptation – including identifying climate-resilient urban plant species and examining the impact of climate on pathogen dynamics. We research:

  • renewable, sustainable and clean energy solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contaminants
  • palaeoenvironments to help us consider future climate-change impacts on the environment and human health.

We use remote sensing, big-data and intensive fieldwork to apply our research to managing stressors on the natural environment. We are experts in the environmental conservation and management of rivers and wetlands, designing smart green cities and eco-friendly marine infrastructure to restore natural filtering of ocean catchments. We research resource use in fisheries, aquaculture and agriculture to reduce our ecological impact on wild harvest and increase ecosystem sustainability.

Our multi-disciplinary work includes using cross-cultural approaches that combine Indigenous and Western science and conservation, and brings ecology and epidemiology together to investigate the interchange of pathogens between wildlife and humans.

Macquarie University has a proud tradition of excellence in evolution and ecological research and is a pioneer in applying this expertise to real-world problems. We apply theoretical, expert knowledge and empirical data to:

  • improve invasive species management
  • impacts and dynamics of diseases
  • restoration and recovery of habitat
  • climate change impacts
  • the conservation of genetic diversity
  • the evolutionary persistence of species.

Our evolutionary research is dynamic in its use of multiple data sources that tackle complexity at different temporal and spatial scales. We invest research effort across field, experimental and laboratory studies, which we complement with computational modelling and spatial data analyses at landscape scales. We characterise evolutionary processes from the traits of whole organisms, but also in proteins, molecules and genes.

Our ecological research spans terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments. We have a particular focus on understanding global patterns of species and trait diversity in relation to the environment and ecosystem functioning. We undertake biodiversity monitoring using genetic methods that capture whole communities, and extend this to understanding species networks. We also develop ways to ensure healthier, greener cities for people to live that support future ecosystems.

Our research in chemical systems explores the exciting interfaces between chemistry, biology, ecology, materials science and nanotechnology to deliver practical, environmentally responsible and sustainable solutions to real-world challenges.

We connect with First Nations people’s strength and Australia’s unique diverse flora, fauna and microbiota as inspiration to unravel fundamental biochemistry for more effective medicines and agrichemicals.

We synthesise sophisticated molecules to power next generation catalysts, optoelectronics, energy devices, bioactives and healthcare. We develop and use advanced analytical techniques to understand molecular structures, functions and interactions in materials science and nanobiotechnology to deliver new diagnostics, nanomedicines, and solutions for agriculture and food.

Molecules are the building blocks of cells and fundamental components of all living organisms. We apply advanced molecular omics techniques – including genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics and glycomics – to address key research questions across the natural sciences and to better understand how cells work in human and animal health and disease.

Through synthetic biology we address some of our world’s most critical challenges, including:

  • controlling multidrug-resistant bacteria
  • increasing agricultural sustainability
  • utilising waste and renewable carbon in sustainable biomanufacturing
  • tackling disease and improving health
  • producing clean biohydrogen.

We collaborate worldwide and are home to innovative molecular laboratories, housing a range of omics instrumentation and expertise to facilitate our research. Our cutting-edge infrastructure includes:

  • the Australian Proteome Analysis Facility
  • the Australian Genome Foundry.

Our expertise is exemplified by the ARC (Australian Research Council):

  • Centre of Excellence in Synthetic Biology
  • Facilitated Advancement of Australia’s Bioactives Industrial Transformation and Training Centre.

We leverage our facilities, collaborations, and expertise to translate our research through industrial and biotechnology partnerships and spin-out companies.