Wet chemistry lab

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Science and Engineering
  3. Schools and departments
  4. School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
  5. Our research
  6. Facilities
  7. Wet chemistry lab
Wet Chemistry Laboratory, Room 109
14 Sir Christopher Ondaatje Avenue
Macquarie University NSW 2109

Our wet chemistry laboratory

The wet chemistry lab provides a safe place for staff and students in the Faculty of Science and Engineering to undertake wet chemistry bench processes.

Facilities and equipment

Laboratory features include:

  • acid and non-acid fume cupboards
  • Millipore water purification system
  • centrifuges
  • ultrasonic baths
  • pH meter
  • spin coater
  • refrigerator and freezer
  • safe storage for flammable, corrosive and toxic substances.

The lab also holds a Zetasizer Nano-ZS analyser which uses dynamic light scattering to measure particle and molecule sizes from 0.3 nanometres to 10 microns.

Arranging access

The wet chemistry lab is accessible only to authorised and inducted staff and students.

To gain access, you must:

  1. Complete the online Hazardous Chemicals training module on Workday (for staff) or iLearn (for students). View instructions on our Sharepoint site.
  2. Email your proof of completion for the Hazardous Chemicals training module to Gina Dunford in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences to arrange for a safety induction tour of the laboratory.