In pursuit of human-powered speed

The MQ Speed Team is aiming to break the human powered vehicle (HPV) land speed record (LSR).

The World Human Powered Speed Challenge is a unique opportunity to apply the theory that we learn through our degrees to a practical, exciting and dynamic project.

We design and construct our vehicle, help fund and promote the event, and then the competition is on!

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This is the fastest speed that can be achieved in a vehicle that is solely powered by a person. This involves our cyclists sitting in a recumbent bike surrounded by carbon fibre monocoque shell designed to minimise aerodynamic drag.

The current records that we are pursuing are the two-wheel male record (144.18 kilometres per hour, held by Todd Reichert – Aerovelo), and the multi-track women’s record (90.81 kilometres per hour, held by Yasmin Tredell).

Breaking the land speed record will require great efforts from the dedicated members of our team.

  • The application of computational analysis tools (such as CFD and FEA) in combination with the use of our wind tunnel will allow us to refine our vehicle design to ensure that our shell is as aerodynamically efficient as possible.
  • Our simulator will be used to help train our riders and give us an indication of the speeds our vehicle can reach.
  • A team of dedicated engineering students are working on the design of the mechanical components of the vehicle, which will enable our riders to reach their maximum potential.

The World Human Powered Speed Challenge is held at Battle Mountain, Nevada. A six mile stretch of straight level road running through the desert is closed to the public for a week allowing competitors to push their vehicles to the limit.

The course has been specially selected due to its minimal gradient and low air pressure, ensuring that the speeds achieved are only a result of the athlete and vehicle performance.

Numerous prestigious universities from around the world as well as private teams are competing to beat the existing record. These include Delft University of Technology, VU University Amsterdam, Portland State University and the University of Toronto.

Our sponsors

This project would not be possible without the help of our generous sponsors:

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