
  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Science and Engineering
  3. Schools and departments
  4. Australian Astronomical Optics Macquarie
  5. Services
AAO Macquarie
105 Delhi Rd, North Ryde
NSW 2113
Engage with us and explore opportunities on offer at AAO–MQ

Providing innovative solutions

AAO-Macquarie employs years of experience in design, manufacture, integration and testing of instrumentation.

Our specialty is providing complete solutions to difficult problems. This technical expertise is supported by professional project management and systems engineering, along with an international network of collaborating institutes.

We are leaders in:

  • integrated precision visible and infrared optomechanical systems with electronic and software control
  • data acquisition, management and analytics.

Our exceptional project management and systems engineering capabilities have been successfully demonstrated across small technology projects ($100k+), through to major international collaborative instrument design, construction, delivery and commissioning (up to $100M).

Recent large projects include the GHOST spectrograph for the Gemini-South telescope, and the AESOP 2400+ fibre positioning system for the new 4MOST facility on the European Southern Observatory’s VISTA telescope.

We lead the world in developing novel instrumentation for ground-based telescopes. In addition to spectrograph design and fabrication, we have expertise in:

  • optomechanical engineering
  • optical design and engineering
  • electronics
  • mechanical engineering and mechatronics.

Supported by stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy research, we have delivered some of the highest productivity research instruments for ground-based telescopes world-wide.

With expertise in telescope design, optomechanical engineering, optical design and engineering, electronics, mechanical engineering and mechatronics, AAO-Macquarie is ideally positioned to contribute to the design and fabrication of instruments for satellite telescopes, cubesats, and earth-observation satellites.

AAO-Macquarie can deliver optical design for spectrographs, telescope optics, camera and detector systems and more. Our outstanding optical design and engineering capability ensures that all optical design projects are delivered to the highest standards.

Our mechanical and mechatronic expertise, in particular our robotic and mini-robotic systems, together with our hyperspectral imaging capabilities, drawing on extensive optical, spectroscopic, and data analytics capabilities, are well-positioned for application to novel agricultural.

We undertake research across a broad range of areas. In addition to astrophysics research utilising our world-leading instrumentation suite, we are leaders in research areas spanning:

  • photonics
  • robotics
  • optical fibres
  • optical devices
  • data analytics, and more.

We collaborate widely, with academic and industry partners worldwide, and are always looking to expand our research partner network.