Study with us

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Science and Engineering
  3. Schools and departments
  4. Applied BioSciences
  5. Study with us

Research training with real-world impact

Our students have access to world-class laboratory and field facilities and work closely with our partners in academia, industry, and government — building valuable professional networks to launch their careers.

Applied BioSciences offers excellent opportunities for ambitious higher-degree seeking students interested in working on some of the most important scientific challenges.

It was my dream to do a PhD in Applied Biosciences. This is a uniquely inter-disciplinary subject, where I could develop my own course mixing entomology, chemistry and ecology. Here they offer state-of-the-art labs and facilities to aid my research. Doing a PhD in Applied biosciences allows me to help Australia combat new pest species (fall armyworm in my case), collaborating with CSIRO. I’ve been fortunate to develop many valuable skills in a range of areas through this program.

PhD and Master of Research (MRes)

Students wishing to study with us can apply to directly enter the 3 year PhD program or first complete a 2 year Master of Research (MRes).

Some students with prior postgraduate training may be able to enter directly into the second year of the MRes. Download our flyers for information about the programs and application process;

Cotutelle PhD training

Macquarie University offers options for Cotutelle PhD training to facilitate collaborations with partner universities around the world. Students pursuing this avenue will spend time engaged in research at both universities and receive a doctorate from each institution. See more information about Cotutelle PhD enrolment.

If you have questions about studying with us, contact Dr Maciej Maselko.