Hidden figures

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  2. Faculty of Science and Engineering
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  4. Women in STEM
  5. Hidden figures

Visit our exhibition of the hidden women in STEM

From astronomers to geneticists and chemists, many women have been the 'hidden figures' behind some of the greatest discoveries in science.

'Hidden Figures' is an exhibition that grew from the collection of 'forgotten women of science' collated over many years by Michael Gillings from the Department of Biological Sciences.

The display of influential but often forgotten women in STEM was presented as part of Macquarie University’s 2018 Gender Equity Week. The exhibition was funded by the Faculty of Science and Engineering , with the enthusiastic support of the then Executive Dean, Barbara Messerle.

Ada Lovelace

Annie Jump Cannon

Barbara McClintock

Beatrix Potter

Cecilia Gaposchkin

Chien Wu

Dorothy Hodgkin

Elizabeth Gould

Emmy Noether

Esther Lederberg

Eunice Foote

Frances Kelsey

Hedwig Kiesler

Henrietta Leavitt

Irene Curie

Jocelyn Burnell

Katherine Johnson

Lise Meitner

Maria Merian

Marie Tharp

Marjorie Latiner

Mary Anning

Nettie Stevens

Rosalind Franklin

The Scott Sisters

Vera Rubin
