Early career researcher network

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
  3. Our research
  4. Early career researcher network


The aim of the early career research (EnCouRage) network is to drive and coordinate programs and initiatives that support early career researchers (ECRs) in our faculty.

We aim to provide opportunities for cross-departmental networking, collaborations and career development for ECRs, including post-doctoral and other research-active staff.

ECR initiatives

Below are some of the initiatives that have been established since our commencement.

  • Spirit of EnCouRage Awards
    The Spirit of EnCouRage Awards celebrate individuals and teams who exceed expectations and contribute positively to the workplace and the faculty.
  • Annual EnCouRage research symposium
    The annual full-day symposium showcases research strengths of and emerging research from the faculty, with a focus on postgraduate and early career research.
  • Annual EnCouRage retreat
    Each year we hold a retreat for ECRs to get out of the office and participate in career development workshops and wellbeing activities. Every second year this is held off campus, most recently glamping on Cockatoo Island.
  • ECR mentoring program
    This mentoring program provides an opportunity for ECRs to engage with senior staff, other than their current line managers, to discuss career-related topics. While the specific objectives of this program will vary for each individual, the overall goal is to assist ECRs in achieving their long-term career aspirations.
  • Publication awards
    The purpose of this award is to recognise ECRs who have published excellent, high-impact research in the previous year.
EnCouRage committee Staff can access our page on the intranet