Politics and international relations

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Arts
  3. Schools
  4. School of International Studies
  5. Our research
  6. Politics and international relations
25 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Learn more about all researchers involved in this discipline Learn more about this discipline's research outcomes Our publications

Tracking domestic and international events

Through its research and teaching, this discipline seeks not only to explain political events and phenomena, but also to seek out innovative, and sometimes controversial explanations and solutions.

Politics and international relations at Macquarie has a long and rich history – first established with the University in 1967 as part of a School of Historical, Philosophical and Political Studies.

Research themes

Our researchers adopt a transdisciplinary approach to study, and teach these key research themes:

  • climate politics
  • East Asian developmental states and greening strategies
  • Europe and Eurasian national and international politics
  • geo-politics, security and strategy in the Indo-Pacific
  • Middle East and North African
  • nationalism and the state
  • North/South relations
  • religion and politics
  • the history of ideas
  • the political influence of interest groups
  • the politics of sexuality
  • US foreign policy.
The Sources of Competitive Advantage in Exporting Green Energy Systems
  • Project lead: Associate Professor Sung-Young Kim

This project examines why, what and how governments and corporations are promoting smart grids.

Global policy responses to environmental challenges
  • Project lead: Associate Professor Jonathan Symons

This project focuses on how international inequalities structure global climate governance, and on emerging political contestation over carbon dioxide removal, engineering biology and solar geoengineering.

Australia’s digital borders
  • Project lead: Dr Umut Ozguc

Cutting across border studies, mobilities, settler colonialism and critical methods in security studies and IR.

The pitfalls of the AUKUS pact
  • Project lead: Lloyd Cox

This project will be critically scrutinising the US-Australia Alliance, and the strategic culture and political emotions on which it is premised.

The local and global symbiotic relationship between capitalism and the state
  • Project lead: Dr Govand Azeez

This project will look at how this relationship is manufacturing novel technologies and techniques of exploitation, expropriation and oppression.

The politics of paying physicians in Australia and Canada
  • Project lead: Dr Francesco Stolfi

This project will include the political conflicts surrounding the regulation of professions and occupations.

The history of Quadrant magazine and modern Australian conservatism
  • Project lead: Associate Professor Ian Tregenza

This project is part of a larger study of Australian political thought.

See all researchers involved in this discipline.