Global cultures and languages

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Arts
  3. Schools
  4. School of International Studies
  5. Our research
  6. Global cultures and languages
25 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Learn more about all researchers involved in this discipline Our researchers have been published in a range of journals

Exploring the role of language in cultural identity

Language sits at the heart of all human communication and relationships, connecting us throughout the globe.

The School of International Studies hosts a world class modern languages hub, with relationships across international communities in Australia and abroad giving us a strong foundation in understanding languages and their value.

In research we investigate the role of languages in cultural identities, mobility and contact, and their impact on linguistic and literary products in social life. Through the nexus between language and culture, we explore a diverse range of multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas, publishing in multicultural, intercultural and cross-cultural studies.

Our rigorous scholarship and critical analysis explain how language and culture are driving factors in today’s complex and rapidly changing world. Our research expertise encompasses community cohesion and cultural and linguistic diversity, languages in social and cultural life and global-local inflections, and the flows of medias and cultures throughout the globe – especially contemporary Asia and the Americas.

Research themes

Our key research themes are:

  • global and transnational media production and fandom
  • language and technology
  • language, identity and power
  • language use and language change
  • multilingualism and plurilingualism: diasporic languages, community languages, second language acquisition
  • postcolonial and decolonial literature and media
  • queerness
  • speech and writing across diverse media.
Comparative assessment of the pandemic responses in Australia and Thailand
  • Project lead: Chavalin Svetanant

This project looks to understand information operation strategies in Australia's region and inform detection, model the spread and effectiveness of these operations including tipping points, and build a software prototype dashboard for future use.

Learn Greek for better communication in aged care sector during the pandemic COVID-19
  • Funder: St Basil’s
  • Project lead: Patricia Koromvokis

The project aims at a generally transferrable professional development of the foreign staff of the Greek-Australian Aged Care facility, St. Basil’s Homes.

Reframing cold war diplomacy of migration and Australia-Chinese relations
  • Funder: National Library of Australia
  • Project lead: Mei-fen Kuo

Engagement with the multilingual archive reshapes the narrative surrounding Chinese-Australian relations during the Cold War, portraying the Chinese diaspora as active authors of their own stories.

Macquarie Multilingualism Research Collective
  • Project leads: Chavalin Svetanant, Jane Hanley

Interdisciplinary collaboration and community engagement lie at the heart of our approach to research that seeks to enhance the quality of life in a multilingual world. The collective aims to:

  • foster research on multilingualism across Macquarie University
  • collaborate with researchers in Australia and overseas on multilingualism research
  • provide research-based support on multilingual policies and practices to community organisations in New South Wales.

See all researchers involved in this discipline.