School of International Studies

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Arts
  3. Schools
  4. School of International Studies
25 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Our researchers have been published in a range of journals We like to keep in touch with our graduates Cyber Security Hub Croatian Language Study Centre Greek Language Examination Centre Japanese Language Study Centre

Explore the world and shape the future

Become a leader in today’s rapidly changing world. We equip our graduates with the practical knowledge and skills needed to successfully navigate careers on the global stage.

The School of International Studies provides innovative teaching and research into:

We partner with the public, private and community sectors to develop responses to the complex challenges facing global society. Our graduates are equipped with practical skills and experience in areas such as:

  • environmental and transnational crime
  • intelligence
  • transnational and migrant cultures
  • countering extremism
  • strategy and defence
  • languages
  • public policy and politics
  • cyber security.

Our innovative teaching is delivered by world-leading academics and industry practitioners, providing students with the experience and practical skills required to become leaders in the national and international domains.