
  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Arts
  3. Schools
  4. Macquarie School of Education
  5. Our research
  6. Survey
Learn more about the project and meet the core writing group Receive updates and links to outputs on the project 2021 NQF ALFs Update Early Years Learning Framework My Time Our Place Framework Frequently Asked Questions Download printable flyer - Stage 2 Stage 1 Update

Have your say

You can now share your feedback on the discussion paper.

During Stage 2 we will be gathering stakeholder feedback to determine the areas that could be updated in the EYLF and MTOP (August / September 2021). This process will start 24 August 2021 and close on 17 September.

There are four ways stakeholders can have their say:

  1. Completing an online survey for providers of education and care services (ECEC and OSHC), educators and other professionals.
  2. Completing an online survey for families whose children attend ECEC or OSHC services.
  3. Submitting a written submission.
  4. Gathering perspectives from the children and young people, if you work in an ECEC or OSHC.

Stage 2 survey

These surveys have been designed to facilitate sharing of key stakeholders' ideas, insights and perspectives. Especially educators, providers, families, communities, peak organisations and government policy makers.

The Discussion Paper relates to the EYLF for early childhood education and care schools and services and to MTOP for outside school hours care services. The questions in the survey apply to both ALFs and are set out as a series of statements.

Please rate your level of agreement/disagreement with each statement. You can also provide further comments after each section of the survey. Please see the Executive Summary and Discussion Paper.

Children and Young People’s Voices Collection

The collection of children and young people’s voices is vital to the success of the update of the ALFs.

We have included information for you to collect children’s ideas using Talking Circles:

  1. Read the Discussion Paper
  2. Watch the Children and Young People’s Voices Video
  3. Read the Data Collection for Children booklet
  4. Download the appropriate assent forms
    1. Services
      1. ECEC or OHSC
    2. Children and Families
      1. Child assent form ECEC
      2. Child assent form OSHC
      3. Parent/Guardian Consent Form
  5. Download the Talking Circle Final Responses and complete at the end of the Talking Circle.
  6. Scan consent forms and children’s drawing (if appropriate) and email to by 17 September 2021.

Children and Young People's Voices