Macquarie University Special Education Centre

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Arts
  3. Schools
  4. Macquarie School of Education
  5. Macquarie University Special Education Centre
14 First Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
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For children with special learning needs

Macquarie University Special Education Centre (MUSEC) is a research-based special school for children from Kindergarten to Year 6 with disability including mild or moderate intellectual disability, autism, or language disability.

At MUSEC School we aim to develop each child to their maximum potential in both academic and classroom self-management skills.

Features of the MUSEC school program include:

  • intensive small group instruction in literacy and numeracy by specialist teachers
  • program adjustment based on progress monitoring, ensuring a truly individualised program
  • assistance with learning classroom self-management skills
  • assistance in the development of speech and language skills
  • collaboration with parents
  • assistance for each student’s transition to their next educational setting.
MUSEC has grown our son's confidence in his learning and enhanced our understanding as parents of his learning needs. The teachers have fostered a sense of belonging, where our son has been accepted and valued for who he is and what he can achieve. We are so thankful that we found MUSEC in his early schooling years. MUSEC has exceeded all our expectations. For the first time in our daughter's schooling journey, she is receiving the support she needs to succeed. Her confidence has grown, and it continues to grow with the support from her incredible teacher's and the wonderful MUSEC community.