PhD and MPhil

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Arts
  3. Our research
  4. PhD and research degrees
  5. PhD and MPhil
Full lifecycle support for PhD, MPhil, and MRes researchers Build advanced research skills with the GRA Development Team Find an expert advisor in your discipline How to apply Graduate research scholarships Important dates Book a consultation with the GRA Applications Team Find a supervisor

What are the big questions that inspire you?

With our world-leading experts in a wide range of humanities, arts, and social science disciplines, the Faculty of Arts PhD and MPhil programs can help you follow your passion and generate new knowledge and insights that will have an impact on the world.

  • Does your need to understand human societies of the past and present spur you to develop new approaches to the big issues in history, education, and human societies?
  • Do problems at the intersection of ethics, social justice, and law inspire you to produce insights that will make the world a better place?
  • Could your unique perspective on how we communicate, through literature, art, language, or media change the ways we understand ourselves?

PhD and MPhil candidates in the Faculty of Arts have the opportunity to ask – and answer – these types of questions about the burning issues of our time.

Options to suit you

By doing your PhD or MPhil with the Faculty of Arts, you can:

  • write a traditional thesis or increase your impact with a thesis by publication
  • generate new knowledge through your creative practice
  • collaborate with professional, community or government partners.

PhD candidature provides you with a unique opportunity to work with an expert supervision team, to answer your burning research questions, while the MPhil program allows you to engage in a smaller – but still substantial – research project that may lead to doctoral research:

See Macquarie's Entry Requirements for PhD and MPhil degrees.

You can choose to study full time or part time, offsite, or onsite. You can undertake a global PhD candidature in partnership with a world-class international university, or work with an organisation outside of academia.

You may also be eligible to apply for a competitive scholarship to support your studies.

Learn how to apply.

PhD and MPhil candidates in the Faculty of Arts are supported to apply for a range of faculty, university and external funding schemes.

  • Faculty of Arts Graduate Research Student Essential Funding Scholarship: At confirmation of candidature, Faculty of Arts PhD and MPhil students can apply for up to $5000 to support essential research costs, which are critical to the completion of their research project.
  • Postgraduate Research Fund (PGRF): All Macquarie University PhD and MPhil candidates may apply for up to $5000 once in their candidature to support a value-add (non-essential) research activity. Graduate researchers may use this fund to support activities such as presenting at an international conference, visits to other academic institutions, and other projects that enhance the value of the PhD/MPhil research.
  • External research grants and scholarships: PhD and MPhil candidates enrolled in Australian universities are eligible to apply for a range of research grants and scholarships. Some of these include:

These are only a few examples of the many external grants and scholarships available to PhD candidates in Australian unviersities. Our team in the Faculty of Arts will work with graduate researchers to find opportunities to apply for grants that align with your research.

As a PhD or MPhil candidate with the Faculty of Arts you will have the chance to engage in research internships with professional research partners, to help you expand the impact of your research and build your professional networks.

No matter what you are interested in researching, there are opportunities for you to engage with a range of organisations from NGOs and community groups, to private industry and government offices.

To learn more about how this could work for you, visit the GRA’s graduate research industry engagement page, or contact

We have a vibrant community of global PhD researchers. Global PhD programs give PhD candidates the opportunity to expand their research and academic networks by enrolling with both Macquarie and an international partner university simultaneously.

The Faculty of Arts supports global PhD candidates with a range of prominent universities, such as:

  • The University of Groningen in the Netherlands
  • Hamburg University in Germany
  • Bristol University in the UK
  • Fudan University in China.

Learn more about these opportunities, or contact

The real strength of humanities and social science researchers is that we ask not just ‘how’, but ‘why’.

Join a supportive research community

The Faculty of Arts fosters a community of research excellence for graduate researchers. As a researcher, you will find many opportunities to receive mentorship, support and guidance from both academic staff and your fellow candidates.

In turn, you will contribute to this community by playing an integral role in faculty seminars, workshops and conferences. You will have the opportunity to both share your expertise and benefit from the expertise of others.

However you engage, your graduate research experience will be enhanced by our vibrant research community.