Vertical Villages

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  4. Macquarie School of Social Sciences
  5. Our research
  6. Geography and Planning
  7. Vertical Villages

Community, Place and Urban Density Pilot Project

The Vertical Villages project explores people’s experiences of living in multicultural high-rise, mix-tenure and high-density urban environments.

About the project

In 2020 a team of researchers at Macquarie University explored the role and potential of FBOs to facilitate placemaking and community development in multicultural high-rise/high-density urban environments. The research engaged with international and Australian-based literature on high density living, place-making, faith-based organisations, social mix and urban design. Drawing on insights from interviews and a questionnaire with existing residents of high rise apartments in Sydney, we explored their experiences of living in high-rise apartments across five suburb. We also conducted interviews with expert urban designers, place-makers and community developer. The research offers recommendations for people who are interested in enhancing resident experiences of community connection and wellbeing in high-density urban neighbourhoods.

A cityscape of several skyscrapers against a background of blue sky.

Project partners and funding

This project was co-funded by Macquarie University, Baptist Care and Churches Housing (supported by an innovation grant from the Salvation Army).

Research team

Research outputs

The project will compile an online toolkit and final report which will be uploaded to this page. Please check back for future updates later in 2021.