Discussion Paper

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Stage 2 Discussion Paper

We are excited to share the Stage 2 Discussion Paper for Educators, Approved Providers and Other Professionals who support staff, families and children attending Education and Care services.

This Discussion Paper identifies current strengths, as well as opportunities for clarification, expansion and updating the ALFs.

Executive Summary

Summary of the full Discussion paper, including current strengths and all questions on potential updates for the ALFs.

Full Discussion Paper

Informed by Stage 1 the Discussion Paper outlines strengths, as well as opportunities for updating the ALFs. Points of discussion and opportunities to strengthen the ALFs are outlined under the five elements of the EYLF and MTOP:

  1. Vision
  2. Pedagogy and educator’s professional practice
  3. Principles
  4. Practices, and
  5. Learning Outcomes.

Section 1: Vision

Outlines Stage 1 results, including strengths, as well as opportunities for updating the vision in both ALFs, with a particular focus on Strengthening Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives throughout the Frameworks.

Section 2: Pedagogy and educator’s professional practice

Outlines Stage 1 results, including strengths, as well as opportunities for updating Pedagogy and Educator’s Professional Practice in both ALFs, focussing on strengthening the link between the vision and the planning cycle.

Section 3: Principles

Outlines Stage 1 results, including strengths, as well as opportunities for updating the Principles in both ALFs. Focussing on:

  • Updating reflective practice; high expectations and equity; secure and respectful and reciprocal relationships and partnerships to include other professionals.
  • Suggesting two new principles: 1) promoting collaborative leadership; and 2) addressing sustainability.

Section 4: Practices

Outlines Stage 1 results, including strengths, as well as opportunities for updating the Practices in both ALFs. Focussing on:

  • Clarifying holistic approaches,
  • Strengthening the connection between play-based learning and intentionality,
  • Updating cultural competence to cultural responsiveness, and
  • Aligning assessment and evaluation for learning development and wellbeing.

Section 5: Learning Outcomes

Outlines Stage 1 results, including strengths, as well as opportunities for updating the Practices in both ALFs. Focussing on:

  • Providing more guidance and examples of what the learning could look like and how educators could promote learning for different age groups and diverse learners.
  • Expanding the guidance relating to Learning Outcome 1 to reflect modern perspectives of personal (e.g., gender) and social (e.g., customs and rituals) identity and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders identities.
  • Strengthening concepts of sustainability in Learning Outcome 2, based on the broader definition of sustainability spanning environmental, social and economic sustainability.
  • Expanding the guidance relating to Learning Outcome 3 to reflect information about wellbeing, drawing on recent research and guidelines relating to children and young people's health and wellbeing, social competence, embodied learning, fundamental movement skills, including mental health promotion, protective behaviours, and resilience.
  • Strengthening the focus in Learning Outcome 4 on young people’s thinking, development of conceptual thinking (e.g., science and mathematics) and reinforcing the use of the language of learning.
  • Strengthening the guidance relating to Outcome 5 to include oral, aural, and non-oral languages, communication through the arts, mathematical thinking and a focus on children and young people as creative, safe, and critical users of technology for learning, leisure, and creative expression.
  • Addressing language and accessibility of the ALFs.

Appendix 1: Stage 1: Stakeholder Representation by State/Territory, Type of ECEC / OHSC Service, National Quality Standard Quality Rating, Type of Approved Provider, and Size of Approved Provider.

Outlines details of the more than 3000 stakeholders who participated in Stage 1.

Appendix 2: Stage 1: Children’s Data 

Outlines the voices 153 children and young people’s voices on what they like about their service.

Family Discussion Paper: Abridged Version

Stage 1 feedback has framed this paper and it outlines opportunities for updating the ALFs relevant to families.

Have your say

Feedback can be provided through the following options:

Stage 2 of the ALFs Update project closes 17 September 2021 so be sure to have your say before then.