On the 30th October 2018, the Centre for Environmental Law (CEL) continued its Annual Lecture series with another excellent and high-profile speaker, Senator Mehreen Faruqi MP.

People sitting in an auditoriumSenator Mehreen Faruqi MP provided a powerful lecture on ‘Environmentalism: Rekindling the Flame’ to a room filled with a diverse range of academics, legal professionals, environmentalists and students. She was generous with her time answering questions from the audience, and deeply engaged with the thought-provoking questions and insights from the crowd.

A group of peopleNo one left the room uninspired by the Senator’s broad-sweeping call to action and her sincere dedication to the environment and to public service. Among other noted points, the Senator discussed how women are disproportionately affected by negative impacts on the environment. But women such as Mehreen Faruqi demonstrate that women can also be pioneers in creating solutions.

A group of peopleIn his remarks, MLS Dean Professor Marc De Vos stressed how the Macquarie spirit of societal commitment and leadership is personified in Senator Faruqi. He praised the Centre for Environmental Law for its active and visible thought leadership at home and overseas. The Centre has been honoured to be able to host such powerful female voices as Drs Mehreen Faruqi and Jane Goodall to demonstrate the power of the individual in promoting positive change.

A presentation being shown

A presentation being shown

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