Engage with us

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Arts
  3. Departments and schools
  4. Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language, and Literature
  5. Engage with us
Level 2, 10 Hadenfeld Ave (formerly Y3A)
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Learn about our undergraduate and postgraduate courses Centre for Media History CDRC 2SER Community Radio The Quarry e-journal From the Lighthouse podcast

We partner with industry, community and government

At MCCALL we have built extensive national and international partnerships with research institutions, schools, industry partners and government organisations.

We engage with research and industry partners in order to:

  • advance the scope and impact of our undergraduate, postgraduate and research programs
  • disseminate our research in public forums
  • give our students practical experience through industry placements in our nationally recognised PACE program.

Our student film festival Screen Focus partners with Event Cinemas and other film industry organisations including:

  • the Australian Directors Guild
  • the Australian Screen Sound Guild
  • the Production Designers Guild.

We also partner with and sponsor film and writers’ festivals such as Sydney Writers’ Festival and the Emerging Writers’ Festival.

Our staff members are judges for industry awards including:

  • The Australian/Vogel’s Literary Award
  • The Australian Screen Editors Guild Awards
  • the Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards
  • The NSW Premier’s History Prizes
  • The NSW Premier’s Literary Awards
  • The Voss Literary Prize.

Contact MCCALL on mccall@mq.edu.au to learn how you can partner with us.

More about our partnerships

Learn more about our partnerships in the following areas:

MCCALL’s academics:

  • chair and sit on the boards of leading academic organisations
  • collaborate and lead on major ARC (Australian Research Council) research projects, and serve as peer assessors for the ARC
  • collaborate with academics and research centres in many leading Australian and international universities.

Our staff lead research projects funded by government organisations including:

  • Australia Council for the Arts
  • Australian Research Council
  • Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (UK)
  • Create NSW
  • Screen Australia.

We also work as peer assessors for many government institutions. We have extensive partnerships and connections with government media and communications organisations.

With our extensive teaching and research expertise and broad range of disciplines across media and communications, music, performing arts and entertainment, literature, and languages, MCCALL has built innovative industry and community partnerships. These include:

  • advertising and marketing agencies
  • chairing and sitting on boards of leading industry organisations
  • community media organisations
  • creative agencies
  • cultural institutes, diplomatic missions, community languages schools, art galleries and centres, and museums
  • games studios
  • multimedia and digital agencies
  • music industry peak bodies and rights collection agencies
  • music production companies and record labels
  • online, broadcast and print media organisations
  • performing arts and entertainment organisations
  • production studios, distributors and broadcast organisations for film, TV, web-series and multimedia projects
  • radio and podcasting broadcasters, and production companies
  • social media, communications and public relations companies
  • web design companies.

We partner with cultural institutes such as the Goethe Institute, and develop community-based partnerships such as a community storytelling project in partnership with the City of Ryde.

We connect with schools with innovative outreach initiatives including:

  • the MQ Student Writers’ Festival
  • summer writing programs
  • WestWords.

We also engage with a range of continuing professional education, outreach and cultural events, and scholarship opportunities for media and communications, music, performing arts, literature and language teachers and students.