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  4. Department of Critical Indigenous Studies
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Connect with experts in research and education

We are available to work in partnership with Indigenous organisations, government bodies, NGOs and industry on research, development, training, curriculum development and evaluation projects.

Research engagement

Our department specialises in critical qualitative research. We draw on Indigenous research methodologies and are committed to consultation and collaboration with Indigenous communities, ensuring all work is conducted in a manner that is culturally appropriate in terms of how information is collected, stored and disseminated. Our team are highly skilled and professional Indigenous researchers.

Key research principles

Our research with Indigenous people is founded on:

  • consultation, negotiation, and free and informed consent
  • sustained relationships with our research partners, giving opportunities for feedback on research findings, analysis and recommendations
  • respect for Indigenous knowledge and cultural protocol in each situation, led by Indigenous partners
  • appreciation for the diversity and uniqueness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • acknowledgement of all contributions to the research
  • commitment to working collaboratively with organisations and individuals that participate in our research, and building their capacity in the areas touched by the research where possible.

Current projects

The Department of Critical Indigenous Studies has been working collaboratively the Aboriginal Health and Research Council to produce Indigenous-centered research and community resources. We have also been working collaboratively with industry partners ReachOut and the Office of the eSafety Commissioner on a national research project that examines the impact of cyberbullying; online community building; and Indigenous peoples’ online social connections.

Cyberbullying resources

Download our posters:

Pride in our mob includes our LGBTQI community

LGBTQI means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex. Homophobia and/or queerphobia is violence and bullying that targets LGBTQI gender and sexuality. Anyone can be targeted with homophobic and queerphobic cyberbullying. Do not use sexuality as a slur - "that's so gay" is not ok. Pride in our mob includes our LGBTQI family.

Cyberbullying: parents and caregivers

Cyberbullying is a real threat to our kids, particularly 9-17 year olds. You can help your kids by learning about what's going on behind their screens: teach your kids about safe social media and positive communications; learn about when kids are most at risk of cyberbullying; ask boys if they are ok - they are less likely to report cyberbullying; access support services for young people when they are being bulied online. Most of all - set the standard. Don't cyberbully.

Cyberbullying can also lead to trauma

Cyberbullying can lead to a whole range of issues, including low self esteem, anxiety, depression and insomnia, a loss of trust, trouble concentrating at school and even drug and alcohol abuse. Cyberbullying can also lead to self harm and even suicide. Cyberbullying isn't our way - and it's not OK.

What is cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is bullying that uses internet and in particular social media. It can include: sending mean, nasty and hurtful messages; sharing images and videos to embarrass others; spreading rumours or lies via text or social med; setting up fake accounts to hurt or embarrass someone; stealing people's account information.

Our research approach is underpinned by the key principles outlined in five core documents:

  • National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans’ (NH&MRC 2012)
  • Values & Ethics: Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research’ (NH&MRC 2003)
  • Guidelines for Ethical Research in Indigenous Studies’ (AIATSIS 2000)
  • ‘Keeping Research on Track: A Guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples about Health Research Ethics’ (NH&MRC 2006)
  • Cultural Respect Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health 2004-2009’ (Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council, 2004)
  • The Maiam nayri Wingara key principles