Advertise a job

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Partner
  3. Hire students
  4. Student employment
  5. Advertise a job
Student Employment (MQSE)
10 Hadenfeld Ave
Macquarie University NSW 2109

Post a free ad on our online job board

Macquarie University is home to a wealth of motivated and diverse talent that would be an asset to your organisation. Hundreds of businesses regularly recruit from our talented global student pool.

Submit an advertisement

To submit an advertisement, visit MQ Employer Connect.

If you have registered previously, simply login and post your vacancy. If you are a new user, please register first. A confirmation email will be sent to you. You can then login using your nominated username and password.

It is important to add the personal contact details of the staff member who will be handling recruitment on the left-hand side in 'Staff Details'.

All job advertisements submitted, whether they are paid or unpaid, must comply with:

Positions are displayed ideally for either one or two months, depending on your timeframe. If your position is filled before your advertisement is due to expire, please login and withdraw your ad.

Please be aware that according to the Fair Work Ombudsman, unpaid internships should follow these guidelines:

  • only be with a voluntary or for a not-for-profit organisation
  • be of observatory nature within a business environment.

If you require the student to perform productive activities within the business, they are considered an employee and entitled to be paid. Registered not-for-profits can also advertise voluntary opportunities free of charge on MQ Employer Connect

We encourage you to keep your advertisements simple and informative, and include the following information:

  • job title
  • description of duties
  • skills and/or experience required
  • hours worked, and flexibility with regard to study/exam timetables
  • location/suburb of the work
  • how to apply and closing date for applications
  • pay rate/basis of payment.

To have your job approved, please enter a numeric figure or range. This should be at the relevant award rate or above.

Award and agreement free juniors get paid a percentage of the national minimum wage. The percentages are the same as the aged-based percentage scale in the Miscellaneous Award.

If you are a not-for-profit organisation advertising for an unpaid position, please specify if you provide insurance for your volunteers in the job description.

Finally, visit the Fair Work website for pay rates and other employment conditions, or call their help line on 13 13 94.