Project Roadmaps

The approach for the project is to transform the public website and then move on to transforming the web for staff and students.

Project Timeline

Public Website

The public website went live on 12th October 2015.

Staff profiles were not moved to the new website. The strategy is to migrate staff profiles to the new university research system. The University research system project is a stand-alone project led by IT, DVC Research, and the Associate Deans Research.

Work began on intranets for staff and students while the public website was being finalised. Five months of user research were performed to understand the priorities for the various staff and current students.

Intranet for Staff and Students

Work began on intranets for staff and students while the public website was being finalized. Five months of user research were performed to understand the priorities for the various staff and current students.

Content Workshop sessions with the University staff were successfully completed.The outcomes of these meetings were used to finalize the mappings of existing content to its place in the new website which defines the automatic migration process.

Navigation structures were designed during the content workshops and mapping activities which will be verified with user testing.