Project Update: April 2016

Understanding the needs of users and the needs of the business are key components necessary for the success of the new staff and student sites.

The next few months will focus on building the content for the staff and student sites, a task that will work to address these two key areas. To ensure quality content resonates and finds the right audience in the new sites, the project team is looking for representatives from your team to speak to your areas of excellence.

What can you do?

  • Speak to your manager and let them know you are interested in contributing to the staff and student sites for the web project.
  • Stay connected with the web project team and get involved when and how you can.
  • Share your knowledge and expertise with your team and the broader Macquarie University community.

What are the next steps?

  1. Audit of high priority web content (underway now and due for completion in mid-May).
  2. Web content workshop briefing sessions (week beginning 26 April, week beginning 2 May).
  3. Web content workshops for content owners and content editors.

What is a high priority web content audit?

This is a list of your valuable content pages that do not already have a home in the public site. In general, this includes current pages on the staff site, the student site and any intranets where you share information with staff or students.

This list doesn’t have to be exhaustive, but is done to help identify existing web content you and your team believe is valuable to an audience and that you believe should find a home on the new staff or student sites.

This list will need to be completed in time for the content workshops in the second half of May.

What is out of scope?

For those new to the project, there are a number of areas that have been identified as out of scope of this web transformation project. As such, the content audit should not include content from the following areas:

  • iLearn
  • eStudent
  • ARC / National or Research Centres
  • Research profiles
  • Publications
  • Grants
  • iModules
  • Hospital
  • HR Online
  • Blogs

If you are unsure, please contact one of the project team for clarification.

Dates for the diary:

  • Now – mid May Prioritised content audit
  • 16 May – 31 May Content workshop(s) (dates to be agreed with participants)
  • May – Sept Content rewrites and creation in the development site
  • June Training sessions – technical and writing (if needed)