Founding members of the MQ Young Alumni Advisory Board (YAAB) - Delia Deng

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  5. Founding members of the MQ Young Alumni Advisory Board (YAAB) - Delia Deng

Founding members of the MQ YAAB - Delia Deng

Meet Delia Deng a passionate dragonboater and young alumna. Known for her work ethic and sunny disposition she leads and shares her enthusiasm in YAAB

Delia Deng

Meet Delia Deng, young alum. ‘I’m a dragonboater!’ she says with obvious passion. But that’s just the start of what makes this young alumni so special. Known for her hard work ethic, dedication to excellence and sunny disposition, she leads by being inclusive. It’s no surprise then that the young alumni community wanted her to be part of their story, which led to her joining YAAB where she happily shares her knowledge and enthusiasm.

Words: Megan English

Sometimes, timing is everything. As Delia explains, ‘I returned from a four-month work stint in London and went straight into Sydney’s first lockdown. It was a time when I was re-evaluating my networks, my friendship groups and career goals, and then David Han from MQ Alumni Relations reached out to reconnect. It was so timely.

‘Soon after, I met board members Ki Yan Baldwin and Shane Allison virtually and we had such an energising conversation. One minute we were bouncing ideas around for a community for young alumni to connect and learn from each other and discussing how to navigate your career during a crisis, the next, we’re talking about starting the Young Alumni Advisory Board (YAAB) to help build the MQ alum community!’

Serendipity often works like that. There’s something about being in the right place at the right time, and that was certainly the case while Delia was completing her Bachelor of Commerce (Economics) and Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) at MQ.

Delia Deng portrait imageAs Delia explains, ‘I joined Enactus – it was called SIFE Students in Free Enterprise at the time – thinking it would be something to put on my resume. Little did I know the student-run social enterprise society would become my career launch pad!

‘I had an unprecedented promotion to the president’s role, and the lessons I learned and the struggles I experienced empowered me to lead the diverse teams I do today, while the networking skills I gained greatly complemented the analytical skills I learned from my double degree.’

Delia remembers the maths subjects were great fun and cemented her belief in the power of compound interest! But, studying maths also helped Delia land her first internship at IBM, while economics helped with her first full-time role analysing the Institutional Markets at Citigroup ‘to prevent another GFC!’

Ultimately, though, she admits, ‘like a typical millennial, I longed to work overseas, meet customers and solve problems with innovative solutions. A uni mate’s mentor was at SAP and told me about their fabulous Academy program – and the rest is history!

Still, they say luck is when hard work and preparation meets opportunity, and there is no doubt Delia has put the hard yards in, with her career thriving as a result. She is currently selling software at the largest German software company (SAP) as an Enterprise Account Executive to the Public Sector industry.

‘I’m proud to help organisations and C-Suite leaders spend more intelligently and across more diverse businesses using new and innovative technologies. I’m also a Pride@SAP lead (the LGBT+ employee resource group), and I’m on the Business Advisory Board of Enactus at Macquarie.’

And so, her connection to MQ remains, and is strengthened through her involvement with YAAB, including being the master of ceremonies at the Beer with the Boss event. Jetlagged and nervous, she says, ‘‘The nerves crept up, but I made it through the evening!’

‘This memory stands out for me because David gave me an opportunity to experience being an MC for the first time, the Macquarie University staff and young professionals were all so welcoming, and it felt like a safe space to try something new.’

Isn’t that a great endorsement and reason to join the young alumni community at MQ?

Connect with Delia on LinkedIn

‘If you’re thinking about joining the young alumni community, just do it! Bring a friend. Re-connect with old networks. Meet new people. You never know what opportunities can come up.’

About the MQ Young Alumni Advisory Board (YAAB)

Our Young Alumni Advisory Board has been set up to increase opportunities and support for graduates 35 years and younger as they embark on their professional careers.

This team of passionate Macquarie graduates will represent the interests of the young alumni community, bringing innovative ideas and a fresh approach to Macquarie’s young alumni program.

Throughout the year, the YAAB will offer a mix of both social and professional events and dedicated programming to build your career.