The benefits of further study

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The benefits of further study

During the next few issues of Macquarie Matters, we will be talking to alumni who recently completed further study programs at Mac...

During the next few issues of Macquarie Matters, we will be talking to alumni who recently completed further study programs at Macquarie, and learning how their studies have had an immediate impact on their career.

Kathryn Kearley is a Senior Lecturer at The College of Law. She will complete her Master of Education this year, and says she chose Macquarie for a number of reasons.

She says that as a full time lecturer and parent to three children then under 10 years she wanted to do a postgraduate course that would give her the flexibility to study, complete research, assignments and assessment in her own time, while also allowing engagement with both lecturers and fellow students.

“Macquarie has a reputation as a leading university in the field of education, and provides distance learning where students are supported by their teachers,” Kearley explains.

“I wanted to undertake formal postgraduate study in education after I completed my Master in Laws as I had been teaching that discipline for 10 years,” she says adding that she wanted to understand what might be good practice in education to better develop her own scholarship in teaching and learning

She says that working as student as opposed to a lecturer enabled her to gain insights into the experiences and challenges that student today face.

“My perspective changed as I had regard to learner expectations and learning styles of those aged 21 to 40 years. I now understand the learner is central in education,” Kearley adds.

Her studies have had immediate benefit in her career.

“Learning about curriculum design and review resulted in my being selected to a project role at my organisation as assistant director of program development. This gave me a management role in curriculum review and the implementation of a new leaning management system and a rejuvenated curriculum.”

New insights into educational research helped her to become part of the research and scholarship committee and undertake research projects at her organisation, and make a more meaningful contribution as the staff-elected member of the academic board of my organisation

“I can honestly say that I enjoyed every part of my postgraduate studies at Macquarie,” she says. “The breadth and depth of subjects offered and the practical activities undertaken as part of my degree has made me more thoughtful and better equipped for the classroom and broader learning environment in which I am teaching.”

Discover Macquarie’s huge selection of further study options here.