Alumni return to Macquarie share their career advice

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Alumni return to Macquarie share their career advice

Alumni Julian Plahn-Brewer and David Theodorou Macquarie’s Career and Employment Service recently partnered with Alumni Relation...

Alumni Julian Plahn-Brewer and David Theodorou

Macquarie’s Career and Employment Service recently partnered with Alumni Relations to offer the first in a series for final year undergraduate students called Launch your Career.

During the series, alumni working in a variety of employment areas will be returning ‘home’ to share their career stories and offer advice to current students to help them move forward professionally – even if they’re still studying.

The first session focused on business and marketing with attending students inspired both by the real life stories and opportunity to ask questions of students who have gone before them.

Would you like to share your career experiences with current Macquarie students? Email to share your story.