Level 2, 16 University Ave
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Resources for our alumni networks
Alumni are part of the Macquarie University family, and our best ambassadors.
You share experiences and memories with those who studied before you, those who studied with you, and those who will soon join the alumni community.
Our Alumni Network:
- represents alumni communities
- provides advice
- shares experiences
- connects alumni with each other and the University.
Our toolkit
We've created the networking toolkit below to provide you with the resources and support you need to lead your alumni community.
- Guidance for alumni groups [PDF 1.9MB] — gives you an overview of our advice for Alumni Network chapters and information on how to access support from our Alumni Relations office.
- Alumni Network terms of reference [PDF 665KB] — contains our key terms, expectations and standards, and an expression of interest form.
- Guide to alumni events [PDF 999KB] — provides types of events, an event planning checklist, information about event promotion and downloadable resources.
- Guide to connecting online [PDF 1.4MB] — gives you top tips about how to connect with alumni through social media groups and other websites.
- Grants program [PDF 581KB] — contains information about our Alumni Relations grant program, and an application form.
How to start your own network
If you have the passion to reconnect, why not establish your own group as part of our Alumni Network?
All it takes is a few of you who share a connection through location, faculty, interests or affiliation to build a formal network.
- Guidelines for creating an alumni network [PDF 170KB]