Teaching support

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  5. Teaching support
Embed Library guides in iLearn for your students to access Encourage your students to self-enrol and learn study skills

Helping you to help your students

Waranara Library offers a range of resources, services, and expert advice to support an enriched learning and teaching experience.

The Library provides e-textbooks, open educational resources, copyright advice and study skills development.

A student’s ability to find, use, critically analyse, manage, create, and disseminate information is a crucial skill not just in achieving their academic goals, but also as informed citizens and independent life-long learners.

Waranara Library has a range of online tools and support that can help you embed the development of your students’ information and digital literacy skills into the curriculum, at the point of their need, including:

  • Subject pathways, essential how-to guides, research and referencing guides that can be linked to from iLearn units, including a guide to help students get the most out of MultiSearch, the Library’s search platform.
  • StudyWISE is available to all students within iLearn and can assist them solve specific assignment related questions and build research and other academic skills. You can also direct students to MultiSearch how-to guide and to specific content within StudyWISE relevant to focus of your unit and assessments.
  • A range of relevant learning objects that can be embedded into you unit – include videos, lesson plans and online guides.
  • Your Faculty or Clinical Librarian can work with you to discuss the information needs of your students, including:
    • approaches to incorporate and scaffold relevant tailored information and digital literacy and online learning resources into your unit or course.
    • identifying key discipline databases and information resources to support the learning outcomes of your unit or course – for both new curriculum or as part of the health check reviews by Faculty or Clinical Librarians.

We can help identify library resource requirements for new units, courses and specialisations.

Proposals for new units and courses include an assessment of library resource requirements as part of the workflow in our curriculum management system (MQCMS).

MQCMS provides a field to enter this assessment as part of the ‘Unit Overview and Viability’ stage.

The resource requirements assessment should include whether:

  • Waranara Library’s current collection of books, journal articles, and other information resources will support the scope and aims of the proposed unit or course
  • additional resources will be required, with particular consideration for identifying early whether any new databases or journals are required
  • there are any considerations to note around online access to resources for units taught online.

The Faculty Librarian for your department can assist you in assessing these resource requirements and helping you plan ahead for their role in the delivery of the unit or course.

In addition to ensuring that you will have the information resources to support the unit, consultation with your Faculty Librarian will ensure that you have identified Library and learning skills services available to you that support the information and digital literacy learning outcomes of the unit.