Requesting new resources

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  6. Requesting new resources
Request resources from beyond our Library collection Find out what the Waranara Library accepts

Collection suggestions

Macquarie staff and students can suggest Waranara Library purchase new resources that support the University’s research, teaching and learning.

Staff and Postgraduate students can also request resources from other libraries via interlibrary loan.

How to request a new resource

Textbooks and new resources for teaching – contact the Unit Readings Team: These requests can be complex and may take time to process so early advice on your unit resource requirements is appreciated.

Books for research can be requested by making a book purchase request. Some working copies of published material can be purchased without reference to the Library.

Subscription-based resources

There is limited budget capacity to commit to new subscriptions for journals and databases. Suggestions for new subscriptions are assessed against research and teaching priorities, and conditions of access.

Priority is given to subscriptions which:

  • address a content gap or are required for a new course
  • are unable to be sourced through interlibrary loans.

Digital resources need to meet the following conditions:

  • the user access model and license conditions are consistent with best practice for institutional access, e.g. IP authentication, appropriate usage conditions
  • being available in the required timeframe and at a competitive and sustainable cost
  • able to be trialed before acquisition.

Other considerations for subscription recommendations:

  • single journal titles are not prioritised for purchase except in exceptional circumstances. Where article/s from these journals are required, researchers should place an interlibrary loan request
  • print-only versions of journal titles will not be acquired except in exceptional circumstances.

For enquiries about new subscription requests, contact your Faculty or Clinical Librarian