Discover our theses collection
Read about the Macquarie University Theses Collection, how you can search the collection, and how to submit a thesis.
Waranara Library holds copies of Macquarie theses for PhD, professional doctorates, masters and MRes in print, microfilm or digital formats. Limited honours theses are collected on advice of the Faculty. Submission of print theses is no longer required by the University.
The Macquarie University Digital Theses Collection, the open-access digital collection of the University’s research and scholarly output, contains digital versions of Macquarie University higher degree theses deposited with the Library. Records of the Macquarie University theses are also searchable in MultiSearch. Mandatory submission of digital theses commenced in 2011. For more information about digital submission of theses see Theses @ Macquarie
Theses available in print only are located in Waranara Library's Thesis Collection. Access to the Thesis Collection is restricted, and items must be used under supervision. For more information see our Theses Finding guide