Assignment support and study skills
Waranara Library’s study support services can help you make a great start at university.
Getting started with your assignment
Our online tutorials and guides will help you find, evaluate and reference scholarly sources for your assignments and help you build your research, writing and academic skills.
StudyWISE: find resources to solve specific assignment-related questions, or build research, reading, writing and other academic skills.
Subject and research guides help you find the key resources for your discipline and offer essential guides to information searching and referencing.
The Library YouTube channel has playlists for new students and to help you find resources. Videos are typically less than 2 minutes long.
Find scholarly resources
Waranara Library can help connect you with books, journals and other information sources to help you complete assignments and exams.
MultiSearch is the Library’s single search interface to find resources in the Waranara Library collection that can help with your study and assessments.
Read our MultiSearch guide for more effective searching.
Find unit readings in Leganto. These are lists of books, chapters, articles, videos and more that your lecturers and tutors have created specifically for your unit so they are focused on what you need to know.
Access you unit readings in iLearn or log in to Leganto.
Read our Leganto guide for students to get the most out of your reading lists.
Search for past exam papers by unit code in MultiSearch. These exam papers are digitised from previous instances of the unit. These papers do not have answers but can be used to practice for the exam you will be sitting. Not all past exam papers are available.
Unit codes were changed in 2020. Exam papers prior to 2020 are stored under their original unit codes. For older papers, check with your unit convenor if there is an earlier relevant past exam paper and what the previous code was.
Correctly acknowledging your sources is a critical part of researching and will help you avoid unintentional plagiarism.
Referencing guides help you to complete assignments and appropriately reference your sources. Our guides cover all the major referencing styles used at Macquarie.
Bibliographic referencing tools such as EndNote and Mendeley can help you organise your research sources and keep track of what you are using in your course or assignments.
Using information ethically
As a student and researcher, you are required to use information according to copyright laws and the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. Our guides and tutorials will help you comply with the rules.
Copyright information will help you do the right thing with your assignments.
Copyright protection means that the copyright owner can control how others can use their work.
This information will help you understand what copyright is about how to use scholarly works appropriately.
The academic integrity module for students helps you understand plagiarism and how to avoid it, as well as your rights and responsibilities under the Macquarie University Integrity Policy.