Access and use our physical collections
Use your campus card to borrow. Return or renew items on time to avoid overdue penalties and fines.
How to borrow, return and renew
Current MQ staff and students can borrow from Waranara Library's collections using their campus card. Use the self-check units on level 2 to borrow materials. If you are not a current MQ staff of student visit our Membership page to check if you can join the Library and access library collections.
Return items to the return chutes inside the Library entrance, or after hours on Macquarie Walk.
You may renew your items if they have not been requested by another borrower or recalled by the Library. Use MyLibrary in MultiSearch to to check due dates and renew items.
Find items in Waranara’s physical collections through MultiSearch and make note of the call number.
We shelve our physical collection using Library of Congress Classification. High use items are located on Library levels 2 (A–J) and 1 (K–Z).
The Automated Retrieval Collection (ARC) holds the majority of Waranara Library’s physical collection, including:
- all serials, except those on the new serials display or exception titles
- monograph titles not purchased or circulated in the last five years
- all items that require equipment to view or use, eg DVDs.
Access to this collection is available by placing an ARC request in MultiSearch. All Library users and guests can place a request for an item from this collection.
Note: some material can only be borrowed by registered Macquarie University staff, students and registered borrowers.
- All loanable items remain the property of Waranara Library.
- Use your campus card to borrow. Campus cards and other issued borrowing cards are not transferable. The cardholder is responsible for all transactions on their card.
- All items must be borrowed before they are removed from Waranara Library.
- Items not returned by the due date, or returned damaged, will result in suspension of borrowing privileges and fines for repair/replacement costs. Waranara Library does not accept replacement copies.
- Waranara Library may vary a loan period or recall an item at any time.
- Present all books and the contents of bags and cases for inspection on request by a staff member, or when the electronic security alarm indicates that an item may have been incompletely loaned.
Overdue items
Items on loan become overdue if they are not returned or renewed by the due date. Library fines are non-refundable.
A reminder email will be sent before the due date if items have been recalled or have reached their renewal limit.
- If your items become overdue, your borrowing rights will be immediately suspended. Once the items are returned, borrowing rights are reinstated.
- Outstanding Library fines prevent you from re-enrolling, graduating, accessing academic transcripts and exam results.
- Student Library fines are transferred to University Finance once a month and then will no longer be visible on MyLibrary. Once transferred, they can be paid via eStudent.
- Staff and community member fees will remain on MyLibrary but should be paid online.
How to avoid penalties
- Return borrowed items by due date. Return items inside the Library entrance or after hours on Macquarie Walk.
- Check your MyLibrary account regularly for due dates or recalled items, and to renew items.
- Check your email for Library notifications. These are sent to your official Macquarie University email address or, for community members, the email address you nominated on your application.
- If you receive a notice that you believe is in error or believe there is an issue with your borrowing account, contact Waranara Library using the query form or call us on 1800 300 753.
Loan Type | Penalty |
Regular loans | Fine ($125 GST exempt) notice issued after 31 days |
Self-serve laptops (four hour loan) | Fine (up to $2000 GST included) or repair cost notice issued after two days |
Laptop locker keys (24 hour loan) | Fine ($125 GST exempt) notice issued after two days |
Serials (ARC) | Fine ($125 GST exempt) notice issued after two days |
Interlibrary loans | Invoiced for replacement cost by supplying library |
Recalled items | Fine ($125 GST exempt) notice issued two days after recall due date |