Upcoming workshops for researchers

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Upcoming workshops for researchers

February workshops for researchers covering Journal Citation Reports and conducting systematic reviews.

There are a number of upcoming February workshops for researchers covering Journal Citation Reports and also how to conduct systematic reviews:

Wednesday, 19th February, 1pm to 2pm

Publishing Strategically for Research Impact

This session will cover:

  • What’s new in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2023/2024?
  • Understanding other key metrics for journal evaluation beyond impact factor and avoid the pitfalls of publishing in predatory journals
  • Best practices of using Journal Impact Factor and/or Journal Citation Indicator for journal evaluation
  • Journal comparison and selection of best-fit journal to publish your research

Register here

Thursday, 20th February, 10am to 12pm

Introduction to Systematic Reviews - Part 1

This online session will help students and researchers new to systematic reviews go through the basic steps of conducting a systematic review using the PRISMA 2020 Checklist. You will develop a searchable question, search databases, and export results to bibliographic management software (eg. EndNote).

To find out more and register

Tuesday 25th February, 10am to 12pm

Introduction to Systematic Reviews - Part 2

This online workshop introduces you to the remaining steps of conducting a systematic review after exporting the search results to your bibliographic management software (eg. EndNote, Zotero) or to Covidence.

To find out more and register