Upcoming March workshops for researchers

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Upcoming March workshops for researchers

March workshops for researchers covering EndNote basics, and Science Writing for Publication.

Waranara Library's March workshops for researchers include an introduction to EndNote, and Science Writing for Publication:

Thursday, 13th March, 11am to 12:30pm - EndNote for Mac - the basics

Thursday, 13th March , 1pm to 2:30pm - EndNote for Windows - the basics

These online Zoom workshops - one for Mac and one for Windows - are tailored for beginners from all disciplines who wish to learn EndNote. On completion of the workshop, you will understand how to import references into EndNote, organise them, and use the Cite-While-You-Write function to insert formatted citations into your Word documents.

EndNote assists you with:

  • Collecting and organising references to resources, such as journal articles, books and websites
  • Adding formatted citations to your documents and creating bibliographies
  • Organising, annotating and storing your readings for easy access, including pdf copies.
Participants must have the EndNote software installed on their devices before the workshop. The Zoom link will be provided to you three days prior to the workshop.

Tuesday, 25th March, 2pm to 4pm

Science Writing for Publication Workshop 3: Strategic Publishing and Avoiding Predatory Publishers

This online Zoom workshop focuses on techniques to select the best journal to publish your research. The workshop is an introduction to Strategic Publishing and will be delivered by Faculty Librarians. It will cover:
  • How to identify predatory publishers and avoid them.
  • How to choose outlets for publishing your research.
  • How to use databases and other tools to answer your questions about the relevance and reputation of a journal or other publication venue that you are considering.
  • The importance of Researcher Profiles and benefits of Open Access to increase the visibility of your research.
  • How to publicise your research for greater impact.
This workshop is the third in the Scientific Writing for Publication Workshop Series focusing on key topics and skills for writing science research articles.