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  4. Library
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  6. Facilities
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Access Waranara Library's learning spaces and services

Explore our facilities and find services and conditions of use for your visit to the Library.

Everyone using Waranara Library has the right to pursue their research or study without unnecessary disturbance or distraction, and we all have a responsibility to respect the rights of others.

Policies relating to Waranara Library, such as copyright and the Student Code of Conduct, can be found at University Policy Central.

All clients of the Library have a right to pursue their research or study without unnecessary disturbance or distraction and have a responsibility to respect the rights of others. Any person who is causing a disturbance may be asked to leave. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Library clients are required to:

  • show their Macquarie ID card, borrower’s card or other evidence of identity if requested by University security.
  • comply with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, the Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Act 2000 and other amendments and regulations currently in force. Clients are referred to the statutory notice posted adjacent to copying machines.
  • present all books if the electronic security alarm indicates an item may have been incompletely loaned.
  • respect the right of others to study, learn and research.
  • follow instructions from staff regarding the appropriate use of the learning spaces.
Study desks
  • Waranara Library assumes no responsibility for the security of personal property. Library users are responsible for their possessions at all times.
  • Personal property should not be left unattended, including to ‘reserve’ a space.
  • Items left for longer than 15 minutes on study desks or computers may be placed on the floor so that the space may be used by others.
Computing facilities

Computing facilities in the Waranara building are subject to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy/Procedure/Schedule. Computers are provided for research and study only.

  • Be considerate of others.
  • Turn mobile phones to silent on entry to the Library.
Food and drink
  • Drinks should be in sealed containers to prevent spills.
  • All rubbish should be placed in bins provided.
  • Any spills should be reported immediately to Waranara Library staff.
Safety, health and emergencies
  • Smoking is permitted only in the smoking zones around the campus. Refer to Smoking on Campus Policy.
  • Except in cases of emergency, the Library does not page people or accept telephone messages on their behalf.
  • Library clients are expected to obey public announcements regarding closing times.
  • Bikes, scooters and skateboards are not permitted in the Library.
  • Only guide dogs and other animals approved under the University’s Disability Policy are permitted in the Library.
Presentation practice pods

Study in a Presentation Practice Pod on level 1. They are bookable for three hours for groups of up to eight people.

Current Macquarie University and Macquarie University College students can book for study only, not for teaching, social activities or commercial purposes.

Book a space now

Quiet rooms

There are 9 quiet rooms for individual study on level 1 (Q1.01 to Q1.09). These rooms are to be used by the person who books them only. They are not for group study.

Quiet rooms are available to book any time during Library level 1 opening hours. During exam periods these rooms may be unavailable as they are used for examinations.

Postgraduate study space

Students enrolled in approved postgraduate courses will have their campus card automatically encoded for swipe access to this area on level 3. If you have issues accessing this space, let us know.

Graduate Researcher space

Students enrolled in approved Graduate Researcher courses including MRES students, academic and professional staff are eligible to use this space on level 5 including the kitchen area. If you are eligible your campus card will be automatically encoded for swipe access to this area. If you have issues accessing this space, let us know.

Sensory Space
The Sensory Space is a quiet space where you can reset and unwind located on level 2 of Waranara Library. This Space is for Macquarie University students only.
Library computers

Use the computers on level 2 by logging in with your OneID. Individual sessions are for a maximum of three hours, multiple sessions allowed per person, per day. Computers automatically log off after 15 minutes if left unattended and files need to be saved to the cloud or USB.

Book a computer using your OneID.

Laptop loans

Borrow laptops from the self-service kiosks on level 3 for up to four hours. Available for current Macquarie University students and staff.

Laptop lockers

Store laptops in Individual laptop lockers, with chargers, on level 2 for up to 24 hours. Contact the collection desk for access.

The multi-function stations (print, scan and copy) are available on levels 2, 3 4 & 5 of the Library.

  • Login to iPrint.mq.edu.au with your OneID.
  • Add money using PayPal, or add money to your campus card at a payment machine (found on levels 2 and 3 of the Library).
  • Payment machines do not give change and change is not available in the Library.

For more information, see how to use iPrint.

(enlargements or reductions)


Black and white, A4 paper

$0.11 (single-sided)
$0.22 (double-sided)

Black and white, A3 paper

$0.22 (single-sided)
$0.44 (double-sided)

Colour, A4 paper

$0.50 (single-sided)
$1.00 (double-sided)

Colour, A3 paper

$1.00 (single-sided)
$2.00 (double-sided)

Level 1
  • Presentation practice pods
  • Silent study space (rear)
  • Collection K–Z
  • Curriculum collection
Level 2 (ground floor)
  • Info desk
  • Silent study space
  • Sensory Space
  • Self-check borrowing
  • Returns chutes
  • Collection A–J
Level 3
  • Postgraduate space
  • Laptop loans (self-service)
Level 4
  • Study space
  • Seminar rooms
Level 5
  • Graduate Researchers space