Leadership and governance

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  3. About the University
  4. Vision and strategy
  5. Enabling plans
  6. Sustainability
  7. Leadership and governance

Embedding sustainability in key systems

Governance is a key enabler for creating a culture of sustainability – providing guidelines, controls and frameworks for sustainability in an open and transparent system.

The Sustainability Strategy 2024–2030 is guided by our strategic frameworks Our University: A framing of dynamic futures and the Senior Leadership Framework as well as the University’s Operating Plan.

Critical mission-based documents covering education, research, health, professional staff and University capabilities inform the Sustainability Strategy, which is also supported by our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, Gender Equity Strategy, Indigenous Strategy, Sustainable Linked Loans Framework and Sustainable Linked Bonds  Framework and Impact Reporting.

This strategy has been formulated through wide consultation with the University community under the guidance of the University Sustainability Steering Committee. This committee incorporates members of the University Executive Team, including Robin Payne (Vice-President Finance and Resources), Professor Eric Knight (Executive Dean, Macquarie Business School), and Professor Rorden Wilkinson (Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)).

Each policy and procedure is developed through consultation with staff and students on campus. This involvement is critical to developing policies that are meaningful and will guide sustainability measures at Macquarie.

All policies, including those that specifically relate to sustainability, can be found on Policy Central.

Sustainability is embedded in key systems throughout Macquarie, from staff induction to on-boarding programs like Target Better Futures and our Sustainability Representative Network.

Sustainability Knowledge and Literacy

Extensive consultation of students in the initial developing of the current Sustainability Strategy included questionnaires covering levels of knowledge of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, clean energy, nature stewardship and related initiatives. The results of the questionnaires formed an initial measure guiding the development of new learning modules as the strategy is implemented.

Sustainability induction modules

All new staff are required to undertake two online sustainability modules as part of their induction to the University. The modules are designed to be fun and engaging, and provide our staff with opportunities and resources to learn more about sustainability and their role in sustainability at Macquarie University. If you have an iLearn log in, you can access the online modules through the Community Units section of iLearn.

Macquarie University regularly reports environmental, social and economic information, both voluntarily and as required under State and Federal legislation.

Reporting helps us monitor our impact and respond accordingly, by benchmarking our performance against standards, law, industry and best practice. It keeps us on track to meet our targets, warns when we are off track and highlights areas for improvement.

Macquarie University's major annual reporting activities include:

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS)

The NGER Act (2007) introduced a single national framework for Australian entities to report greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and energy production. The data is used to help inform government policy and meet Australia's international reporting obligations.

Macquarie University reports annually under NGERS for all facilities, entities and assets under the operational control of the University, on all activities with greenhouse gas or energy use implications.

Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA)

Macquarie University reports annually to TEFMA, an association supporting excellence in higher education physical infrastructure and facilities management.

THE Impact Rankings

Macquarie University reports annually to Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings, which assess how the global higher education sector is performing against the United Nations SDGs.

Macquarie University strives to be sustainable in all that we do - even down to the small details.

Sustainability principles have been incorporated into the retail leases of the range of different food vendors around the Central Courtyard Precinct.

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