Resource efficiency trends

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  8. Resource efficiency trends
2 Link Road
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Read about our progress toward set sustainability targets Our framework to guide future development of our campus Macquarie has an office furniture reuse program in place

Achieving our sustainability targets


Despite Macquarie’s continued growth in both buildings and campus population, our focus on efficiency has delivered results against our energy, emissions, water and waste reduction targets.

Targets for energy, emissions, water and waste reduction were established in 2014 under the Macquarie University Campus Master Plan.

2023 progress

2023 Sustainability Target Tracking: 43% reduction in energy intensity achieved; 92% reduction in emissions intensity achieved; 42% reduction in water intensity achieved; 88.5% reduction in waste to landfill achieved

  • 0.8% reduction in total annual consumption since 2009, despite 80% increase in gross floor area
  • reduced reliance on gas with increased electrical efficiency and solar use
Energy intensity
  • target 40% reduction against 2009 baseline
  • target exceeded with 43% reduction achieved, despite 80% increase in gross floor area

Our energy intensity target is measured by gigajoules used per square meter of gross floor area.

  • 99.8% reduction in overall annual electricity emissions for 2023 with our 100% renewable electricity contract
Emissions intensity
  • target 40% reduction by 2030 against 2009 baseline
  • target well and truly exceeded with 92% reduction against 2009 baseline for 2023

Our emissions intensity target is measured by tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent measured per square meter of gross floor area.

  • 26.7% reduction in total annual water consumption from 2009 levels despite 80% increase in campus gross floor area
Water consumption intensity
  • 42% reduction against 2009 baseline (target 40% reduction by 2030)

Our water consumption intensity target is measured by amount consumed per person (EFTSL + FTE).

  • 88.5% reduction in waste to landfill against 2009 baseline achieved (target 90% reduction)