Macquarie University Hearing hosts official launch of the Australian Eye and Ear Health Survey

Macquarie University Hearing hosted the official launch of the Australian Eye & Ear Health Survey on World Hearing Day. The event brought together investigators from 7 participating institutions - the Westmead Institute for Medical Research’s (WIMR) Centre for Vision Research, Macquarie University Hearing, The University of Sydney, The University of NSW, The George Institute for Global Health and The Brien Holden Foundation.

L-R: John Alexander OAM MP, Dr Diana Tang, Prof Sakkie Pretorius, Shanelle Sorbello, Prof Patrick McNeil, Alemka Davis, Prof Paul Mitchell AO, Prof Bamini Gopinath, Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Trent Zimmerman MP, Colina Waddell.

Director of WIMR’s Centre for Vision Research, Professor Paul Mitchell AO, who is leading the study, and Inaugural Cochlear Chair in Hearing and Health at Macquarie University Hearing, Professor Bamini Gopinath, who is leading the ear health component, gave an overview of the survey to guests at the Australian Hearing Hub and online.

Examining close to 5,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians over a period of two years, the Survey reporting will fulfill several of the key priorities and actions outlined in the Australian Federal Government’s Roadmap for Hearing Health, and contribute to Australia’s commitment to eradicate avoidable blindness.

Attending Federal MPs - Trent Zimmerman, John Alexander and Matt Thistlethwaite unveiled the survey logo, designed by Dunghutti artist Kyara Fernando.