10 questions with...Professor Bamini Gopinath

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  8. 10 questions with...Professor Bamini Gopinath

An epidemiologist with a research interest in public health, Professor Bamini Gopinath arrived at Macquarie last October to take up the role of  Cochlear Chair in Hearing and Health.

Her research program focuses on improving support for adults with hearing loss,  ensuring early intervention, improving engagement with hearing services and preventing the development of hearing loss and minimising its progression.

Professor Bamini Gopinath

1. Something people ask you when they find out what you do for living

Can you predict the COVID-19 case numbers?

2. Something you feel proud of
I feel proud to be the inaugural Cochlear Chair in Hearing and Health. This position provides me with an amazing opportunity to really transform the hearing loss research landscape.

3. Something you’d like staff to know about
We are about to commence the very first Australian Eye and Ear Health Survey 2022. It will involve 5000 Indigenous and non-Indigenous participants recruited from 30 sites in Australia, covering rural, remote and urban areas.

4. What you need to do your best work

My team at Macquarie University Hearing – they are supportive, skilled, and talented.

5. Something you’ve read recently that has had an impact on you

Becoming by Michelle Obama.

6. A favourite photo from your camera roll

A photo I took at the end of 2019 from my last international trip before COVID-19, to the Dominican Republic. It’s one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve been to in my life – the water in the Caribbean is unbelievably warm!

7. I’m happiest when…

I’m going for my daily walk either in the morning or after work – it’s my opportunity to reflect and recharge.

8. A personal quality you value in others


9. Your definition of success

The ability to keep going despite setbacks and failures. Resilience is the basis of any success.

10. Something you’re trying to do differently in 2021

My major learning from this pandemic is not to sweat the small stuff and trying to go with the flow more in 2021.

Contact: Professor Bamini Gopinath

Email: bamini.gopinath@mq.edu.au