We chat with Sally Piper, Administrator at Macquarie University Hearing

Read the article in This Week.

Sally’s role as Administrator sees her involved in a number of different activities, such as helping organise events for World Hearing Day. This year, the team conducted hearing screenings for more than 100 NSW MPs and their staff at NSW Parliament House.

As a member of the Staff Wellbeing Action Group, Sally also organises hearing screenings as part of the Wellbeing program. “I’d encourage staff to come along and have their hearing checked by the wonderful Masters of Clinical Audiology students, it only takes 10 minutes.”

Here, Sally discusses the importance of protecting your hearing, getting the work-life balance right, why Donald Trump scares her, and more.

1. In a nutshell, my job is to…Provide support in any way I can to the H:EAR Research Centre and Macquarie University Hearing. A recent highlight was organising hearing screenings at NSW Parliament House for Members of Parliament.

2. My definition of success is…Getting the work-life balance right.

3. A person at Macquarie that inspires me is…Professor Lesley Hughes. That she expresses some hope and optimism in the face of all that she knows about climate change inspires me to think all is not lost and take action.

4. This year I want to…
Finish the Macquarie/Coursera Excel Skills for Business course which I started during the lockdown. They say in the introduction that going over the basics may seem like a waste of time, but that it’s a chance to fill in gaps in your knowledge, and it’s true!

Also, finish watching The West Wing – Season 1 down, only 6 to go!

5. The scariest thing I’ve ever done is…Be driven from the north coast back to Sydney with someone who had recently been in the celebrity race at the Grand Prix. They thought they were now Ayrton Senna and I was glad to get out of the car alive.

6. My guilty pleasure is…
Not feeling guilty about pleasures! Life’s too short.

7. I’m scared of…Climate change, and what Donald Trump’s going to do next.

8. The most important thing I’ve learned in the last five years is…How important it is to protect my hearing. After working in the music industry for 10 years this was quite a revelation, which in retrospect is quite shocking.

9. I’m happiest when…Cooking and spending time with family and friends (even better if it’s both together!).

10. To me, the best thing about the Macquarie community is…The fabulous people and the beautiful green spaces around campus.