Collection of your personal information

  1. Macquarie University
  2. About
  3. About the University
  4. Structure and governance
  5. Privacy
  6. Collection of your personal information
Privacy Officer
The Chancellery, 19 Eastern Road
Macquarie University, NSW 2109

Our obligations when collecting and using your details

Macquarie University collects personal information from you in a variety of ways.

Macquarie University (the University) is subject to the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) (PPIPA) and Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW) (HRIPA) which protect the privacy of your personal and health information. The purpose of these privacy statements is to let you know what information is collected about you and how the information is used by the University.

The University is required to take reasonable steps to ensure that before we collect information from you (or as soon as possible after we collect it) you are aware of the following:

  • the fact that your information is being collected
  • the purposes for which it is collected
  • the people who will receive and use your information and to whom it may be disclosed
  • whether the supply of personal information is required by law or is voluntary and any consequences for you if the information (or part of it) is not provided
  • your right to access and correct the information we collect and hold about you
  • our contact details.

Personal information is information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database and whether or not recorded in a material form) about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion. It includes fingerprints, retina prints, body samples or genetic characteristics.

It does not include information about an individual who has been dead for more than 30 years or information which is contained in a publicly available publication.

The University's privacy collection notices inform you as to how the University uses and discloses your personal information which is collected through:

  • the admissions process
  • the enrolment process and throughout your time at the University
  • your employment process
  • your visit to the University
  • when accessing the University websites.

If you provide the University with health information about yourself through one of the processes listed above (enrolment, admission, employment, when you visit the University or access a University website) the privacy collection notices also apply to that collection of your health information. Learn more about what 'health information' means under the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW).

Instances not covered by these notices

There may be instances where the University collects your personal information which are not covered by these notices. For example, if you provide personal information to the University to be involved in a particular aspect of your study or where you access a health service at the University and you provide health information about yourself in order to do so.

In those instances, the University will separately inform you at that time of collection or shortly thereafter, in relation to the collection and use of your personal and/or health information. The University may also seek your consent to your personal information and/or health information being used or disclosed for specific purposes.

If you would like further information on how your personal information is handled by Macquarie University please refer to the Privacy Management Plan or contact the Privacy Officer.

Privacy statements

Purpose of collection

The University collects and holds personal and health information to support its functions related to learning and teaching, research, student administration, student services and activities, complaints and disciplinary activities, recruitment and employment activities, health and well-being activities, employment and relationships with external parties for commercial, philanthropic and marketing purposes.

Intended use of information

The information collected in this form is intended to be used for the following purposes:

  • considering your application for admission to Macquarie University courses
  • corresponding with you about whether you have been offered a place
  • recording your acceptance of an offer
  • corresponding with you in relation to the admission process
  • informing you about your courses and other aspects of admission and enrolment
  • informing you of the availability of scholarships
  • enabling you to apply for special entry consideration
  • assessing your entitlement to Commonwealth assistance under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth) and allocation of a Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN) to you
  • where you are an international student, meeting our obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code).
  • corresponding with you in relation to your enrolment, course, fees, academic progression and graduation applications
  • issuing you with a campus card
  • attending to day to day administrative matters relating to your on-going enrolment or your cessation or suspension of enrolment
  • verifying your attendance at the various learning and teaching environments on campus (such as classes, tutorials, placements and exams)
  • facilitating and providing support for placements you may undertake during your time as a student
  • providing you with access to student services such as residential services, online courses, interactive management systems (such as iLearn) and for information technology services such as providing you with an email address
  • placing your name on the student electoral roll and the alumni database on graduation including publishing your name and award in graduation publications and on our on-line graduate register
  • publishing your name on the University’s website and/or in alumni publications if you receive any academic awards/commendations (such as the Vice-Chancellor’s commendation).
  • for direct marketing communications and related profiling to help us to inform you about relevant courses and events we offer
  • assessing or improving related services and business processes, as well as for training and quality purposes
  • to provide insight and analysis of our current and future student population to direct future marketing strategies
  • compilation of reports using de-identified data to assist with performance reporting to relevant departments within the University and to drive continuous improvement of this service
  • providing you with assistance in the event of an emergency
  • complying with legislative reporting requirements
  • for other directly related purposes including but not limited to the above.

We have a legitimate interest in using your information in these ways. It is also fundamental to the nature of the service we provide.

Recipients of information

The information collected may be disclosed to the following types of organisations as described below:

  • external organisations such as professional bodies, hospitals, government agencies or PACE partner organisations, if the disclosure is necessary in order for you to undertake a practical or clinical placement as part of your course
  • other educational institutions, if necessary for exchange programmes, overseas study, when transferring to another University or to verify your previous qualifications and other supporting documentation provided with your application
  • to Macquarie University's controlled entities for the purposes of providing University services to you, eg U@MQ Ltd and Access Macquarie Ltd
  • service providers and consultants such as marketing consultants, mailing houses, logistics and IT service providers (such as Coursera) whom the University engages to facilitate current and future student access to the University's services and facilities on offer
  • Commonwealth and State government departments and agencies such as the Australian Taxation Office, Transport for NSW (in connection with travel concessions offered to you), the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Centrelink, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) (in administering the ESOS legislation relating to your visa or travel status) and the NSW Ombudsman or their equivalent or replacement entity
  • to courts or tribunals or similar judicial agencies whether under subpoena or by force of law
  • if you are sponsored by a body or person nominated in your enrolment application, information which the sponsor reasonably requests in relation to your enrolment
  • student accommodation service providers and landlords for the purposes of sourcing suitable accommodation for you (if required)
  • in the event of a crisis requiring urgent attention, police, medical or hospital personnel, your nominated emergency contact person, or other personnel as is necessary to respond to the emergency
  • IT service providers who may (or use third party hosting providers that may) store data outside Australia or in the 'cloud'. When the University discloses your information to overseas recipients, it takes measures to ensure those recipients treat your information in accordance with applicable privacy legislation.

The University will not otherwise use or disclose your information where it is not directly related to the primary purpose of collection, in circumstances where no other exemption applies, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

Purpose of Collection

Macquarie University collects and holds your personal information, including your name and contact details, for the purpose of keeping you up to date and connected as an alumnus and member of the Macquarie University community.

The University also collects and holds personal information obtained from publicly available sources, either directly or through targeted internet searches. These public sources may include social media or business-related resources. The types of personal information we may collect through publicly available sources include:

  • your contact details;
  • educational details such as degrees completed, or qualifications obtained; and
  • professional details such as your employer and occupation.
Intended use of information

The information collected is intended to be used for the following purposes, including to provide you with information on:

  • the latest alumni news
  • upcoming University and alumni events
  • industry networking and career development opportunities
  • alumni benefits and discounts
  • pursuing postgraduate study
  • opportunities to engage with and support the University and its controlled entities
  • other alumni information to help you stay connected
Recipients of information

The University will not use or disclose your information where it is not directly related to the primary purpose of collection, in circumstances where no other exemption applies, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

Purpose of collection

The University collects and holds personal and health information to support its functions related to learning and teaching, research, student administration, student services and activities, complaints and disciplinary activities, recruitment and employment activities, health and well-being activities, employment and relationships with external parties for commercial, philanthropic and marketing purposes.

Intended use of information

The information collected in this form is intended to be used for the following purposes:

Recruitment, selection and appointment
  • informing you of available positions
  • determining your suitability for a role
  • corresponding with you in relation to a role you have applied for
  • complying with legislative reporting requirements
  • for other directly related purposes including but not limited to the above.
Ongoing employment
  • enabling your employment with the University including to determine your pay, leave and superannuation entitlements
  • providing you with access to staff facilities and services at the University, including providing you with a campus card and email address
  • informing you of events
  • notifying your nominated emergency contact person in the event of an emergency
  • complying with legislative reporting requirements
  • attending to day to day administrative matters
  • business improvement activities
  • preparing statistical analysis
  • assessing or improving related services and business processes, as well as for training and quality purposes
  • complying with legislative reporting requirements
  • for other directly related purposes including but not limited to the above.

We have a legitimate interest in using your information in these ways. It is also fundamental to the nature of the service we provide.

Recipients of information

The information collected may be disclosed to the following types of organisations as described below:

  • your nominated referees
  • your nominated financial institution for payment of salary
  • your superannuation scheme, eg Unisuper
  • our insurers
  • WorkCover NSW or Workers Compensation Commission
  • organisations that provide salary packaging benefits to eligible and participating staff members, such as childcare, car parking permits and novated leasing
  • accommodation service providers and landlords for the purposes of sourcing suitable accommodation for you (if required)
  • organisations that provide staff with the option to request automated deductions for services, such as health insurance providers and union fees
  • other University campuses, if necessary for any secondment or overseas work or study undertaken
  • service providers and consultants such as recruitment agencies, travel agents, printers/mailing houses, logistics and IT and software service providers (such as PageUp) whom the University engages to perform services on its behalf
  • the University's legal advisers, auditors or other professional advisers and consultants engaged by the University
  • to Macquarie University's controlled entities for the purposes of providing University services to you, eg U@MQ Ltd and Access Macquarie Ltd
  • service providers and consultants such as mailing houses, logistics and IT service providers whom the University engages to facilitate your access to the University's services and facilities on offer
  • Commonwealth and State government departments and agencies such as the Australian Taxation Office, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Safework NSW and the NSW Ombudsman or their equivalent or replacement entity
  • to courts or tribunals or similar judicial agencies whether under subpoena or by force of law
  • in the event of a crisis requiring urgent attention, police, medical or hospital personnel, your nominated emergency contact person, or other personnel as is necessary to respond to the emergency
  • IT service providers who may (or use third-party hosting providers that may) store data outside Australia or in the 'cloud'. When the University discloses your information to overseas recipients, it takes measures to ensure those recipients treat your information in accordance with applicable privacy legislation.

The University will not otherwise use or disclose your information where it is not directly related to the primary purpose of collection, in circumstances where no other exemption applies, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

Purpose of collection

The Service Connect portal allows students to submit and get answers to common and specific enquiries relating to the processes and services offered by Macquarie University. You may be required to submit your personal and/or health information in this system in order to access the requested services or receive assistance in relation to your enrolment.

Intended use of information

The University may collect your personal and health information when you submit an enquiry in this system. This may include medical certificates, identification documents such as passports or drivers’ licences, and financial records. The information collected in this system is intended to be used for facilitating your request, responding to your query and providing you with assistance and support. This may involve providing your information to the relevant business units and departments in order to process your request. The information collected may be used for other directly related purposes, but not limited to the above.

Recipients of information

The intended recipients of the information are:

  • service providers and consultants such as mailing houses, logistics and IT service providers whom the University engages to facilitate your access to the University's services and facilities on offer
  • Commonwealth and State government departments and agencies such as the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Safework NSW and the NSW Ombudsman or their equivalent or replacement entity
  • to courts or tribunals or similar judicial agencies whether under subpoena or by force of law
  • to government departments and agencies and their appointed third-party providers for the purposes of administering University-related surveys and for other lawful purposes
  • in the event of a crisis requiring urgent attention, police, medical or hospital personnel, your nominated emergency contact person, or other personnel as is necessary to respond to the emergency
  • IT service providers who may (or use third-party hosting providers that may) store data outside Australia or in the 'cloud'. When the University discloses your information to overseas recipients, it takes measures to ensure those recipients treat your information in accordance with applicable privacy legislation.

The University will not otherwise use or disclose your information where it is not directly related to the primary purpose of collection, in circumstances where no other exemption applies, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

The University collects personal information from you (including digital images) when you are a visitor to the University for a period of time but you are neither enrolled at, nor employed by, the University. For example, if you are granted an honorary, visitor or clinical appointment or if you are studying by agreement with another University but you are not enrolled at Macquarie University. The University collects your information for the purpose of assessing your suitability for your nominated or requested appointment or for your course of study. The University also uses your information for the following purposes:

  • issuing you with a campus card, if required
  • informing you about University courses and events
  • attending to day to day administrative matters relating to your status
  • providing you with access to University services such as residential services, online courses, interactive management systems (such as iLearn) and for information technology services such as providing you with an email account
  • providing you with assistance in the event of an emergency
  • complying with legislative reporting requirements.

You are not required by law to provide us with your personal details for the above purposes, however, if you choose not to provide the information requested, it may not be possible for the University to allow you to access services to which you are entitled or expect to receive.

The information collected may be disclosed to the following types of organisations:

  • other educational institutions, if necessary for exchange programmes or overseas study
  • to Macquarie University's controlled entities for the purposes of providing University services to you, eg U@MQ Ltd and Access Macquarie Ltd
  • contract service providers and consultants (such as banks for the purposes of issuing you with the pre-paid facility on the campus card, mailing houses, logistics and IT service providers) engaged by the University to facilitate your access to the University's services and facilities on offer
  • Commonwealth and State government departments and agencies such as the Australian Taxation Office, the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Centrelink, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and the NSW Ombudsman or their equivalent or replacement entity
  • to courts or tribunals or similar judicial agencies whether under subpoena or by force of law
  • if you are sponsored by a body or person nominated in your application, information which the sponsor reasonably requests in relation to your application
  • student accommodation service providers and landlords for the purposes of sourcing suitable accommodation for you (if required)
  • in the event of a crisis requiring urgent attention, police, medical or hospital personnel, your nominated emergency contact person, or other personnel as is necessary to respond to the emergency.

The University will not otherwise disclose your information without your consent, unless required or authorised by law.

You have a right to access personal information that Macquarie University holds about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation. If you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information, please contact the University Privacy Officer by email at

This privacy collection notice applies to all methods by which the University collects your personal information, including by electronic or verbal means or in written form.

Purpose of collection

The University collects and holds personal and health information to support its functions related to learning and teaching, research, student administration, student services and activities, complaints and disciplinary activities, recruitment and employment activities, health and well-being activities, employment and relationships with external parties for commercial, philanthropic and marketing purposes.

The University collects information from you via our websites using:


We may collect personal information from our websites, such as when you register for an event, make a query, join (or request to join), post in or otherwise contribute to a University forum/program offering or complete an online survey.


We use “cookies” when you visit our websites. A cookie is a packet of data that a website puts on your computer's web browser to identify you as a visitor to that website. Most web browsers are set by default to accept cookies. They are unable to search your computer in any way and cannot introduce viruses to your computer.

Cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our websites. The University uses cookies to personalise your experience with our websites (for example, by remembering your preferences) and to compile analytical reports to help monitor usage and improve the websites. This tracking is generally conducted in such a way as to ensure the anonymity of visitors to our Websites.

Intended use of information

The information collected via our online forms is intended to be used for the following purposes:

  • corresponding with you in relation to your request or query, for example we may use the details you provide, including your nominated email address, to send you information about our course offerings, programs or events related to the interests you have expressed
  • assessing or improving related services and business processes, including the effectiveness of the University’s marketing strategies and events, as well as for training and quality purposes
  • compilation of reports using de-identified data to assist with performance reporting to relevant departments within the University and to drive continuous improvement of this service
  • complying with legislative reporting requirements
  • and for other directly related purposes including but not limited to the above.

While a cookie may identify your computer, it should not identify you unless you are logged into the website (for example, when accessing restricted content). Information is collected and used by the University in four main ways:

  • Strictly necessary cookies — these cookies allow you to navigate our websites and are required for the operation of our websites, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our websites (for example, members-only areas). If you opt to disable these cookies, you may find that certain sections of our websites do not work (for example, you may not be able to access all of the content).
  • Performance cookies — these cookies allow us to measure and analyse how our visitors navigate our websites. We only use this information to improve functionality and user experience.
  • Functionality cookies — when you are using our websites, these cookies will remember your preferences (like your language or previous search terms) and assist us to personalise your content and website experience.
  • Targeting or advertising cookies — these cookies are used to deliver marketing and advertising materials that are relevant to you based on the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. These cookies are used to advertise relevant products to you on other websites, based on the products and categories you looked. They also limit the number of times that you see an ad and help us measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.

By using our websites, you agree to us placing these sorts of cookies on your device and accessing them when you visit in the future. You can modify the settings on your device to prevent cookie use.

The University also uses third party providers such as Google and Facebook to target advertising based on online behaviour. These third-party providers may combine your information with information from other, and may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser for the purpose of identifying users and delivering to them interest-based content and advertisements. These third-party providers may:

  • use third-party Cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from our Websites and elsewhere on the internet
  • compare de-identified information from us with information collected elsewhere on the internet
  • use that information to provide measurement services and target ads to you.

To opt-out of third party cookies, please go to Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

Recipients of information

The information collected may be disclosed to the following types of organisations as described below:

  • to Macquarie University's controlled entities for the purposes of providing University services to you, eg U@MQ Ltd and Access Macquarie Ltd
  • event communication and registration websites for the purposes of communicating with you regarding an event you have expressed an interest in through a form on our website
  • service providers and consultants such as mailing houses, logistics and IT service providers (such as EventBrite, and Cvent) whom the University engages to facilitate your access to the University's services and facilities on offer
  • to courts or tribunals or similar judicial agencies whether under subpoena or by force of law
  • IT service providers (such as SalesForce and PeopleGrove) who may (or use third-party hosting providers that may) store data outside Australia or in the 'cloud'. When the University discloses your information to overseas recipients, it takes measures to ensure those recipients treat your information in accordance with applicable privacy legislation.

The University will not otherwise use or disclose your information where it is not directly related to the primary purpose of collection, in circumstances where no other exemption applies, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

Additional information

The below information is also applicable to admissions and enrolment, alumni, employment, student administration and our websites.

Information retention

We will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which that personal information was collected and to the extent permitted by applicable laws, specifically the State Records Act 1998 (NSW).

  • Websites - most cookies are temporary. They allow website operators to link the actions of a user during a browser session, the time period between a user opening a browser window and closing it. Once closed, the cookies are deleted. Persistent cookies remain on a user’s device for the period of time specified in the cookie.
Access, amendments and erasure

You have a right to access, amend and erase personal information that the University holds about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation, specifically the State Records Act 1998 (NSW). If you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information please visit our information access pages. For any further information please refer to our Privacy pages.

Consequences of refusing

You are not required by law to provide us with your personal details for the above purposes, however, if you choose not to provide the information requested, you may not be able to access all the functionality on our websites or allow the University to respond to your query.

  • Websites - if you do not wish to receive any cookies (other than those which are strictly necessary) you may set your browser (such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or Safari) to either prompt or refuse cookies. Please note that rejecting cookies may mean that not all the functions on our Websites you visit will be available to you.
Security of your information

Your information may be held in a variety of ways, including in paper or electronic format. The University protects your information from unauthorised access loss and other misuse by allowing only restricted access to authorised personnel to your information. Security measures in place to protect the confidentiality, accuracy, completeness and access to your information are set out in the University’s Privacy Management Plan.


If you would like to make a complaint about our handling of your personal information, please lodge a written complaint addressed to our Privacy Officer using the contact details below. Once we receive your complaint, we will respond to you within a reasonable period of time, usually within 20 working days.


From time to time it may be necessary for Macquarie University to review and revise this privacy statement. Macquarie University encourages you to periodically check our website for the most up-to-date version of this privacy statement.


If you have a question regarding privacy you should contact Macquarie University’s Privacy Officer at

The University’s Privacy Policy and Privacy Management Plan provide further information on your rights and responsibilities in the management of personal and health information.

External Links
  • Websites - some University sites contain links to other sites. The University is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.