Governance and Compliance Services

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  5. Governance and Compliance Services
The University’s repository for approved policy documents Calendar of Governance Delegations of Authority Governance Templates

Find out about Governance and Compliance Services

Governance and Compliance Services is responsible for the provision of advice and secretariat services to the University’s governance bodies (including controlled entity boards) and the management of the University’s compliance framework and the University’s policy development framework (Policy Central), including Delegations of Authority.  Governance and Compliance Services is also responsible for Privacy matters and elections.

Linda Breen is the Director, Governance and Compliance and Council Secretary. Linda is responsible for the University’s governance, compliance management, elections, policy and privacy functions. In her Council Secretary role, she is advisor to the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Executive Group members and staff on the University’s enabling Act and other related legislation, standards, and policy (including delegations). Linda is also Secretary to the Audit and Risk Committee, Finance and Facilities Committee, Honorary Awards Committee, Information Management and Technology Special Purpose Committee and Nominations and Remuneration Committee of Council. On behalf of the Registrar, she is the Deputy Returning Officer for University elections.


Rebecca Jarman is the Compliance and Privacy Manager. Rebecca manages the University compliance management function and is the University’s Privacy Officer, providing authoritative advice and guidance on legislative compliance obligations and privacy requirements.


Edelvine Rigato is the Corporate Secretary and provides company secretary functions to the Boards of the University’s controlled entities, including assisting with ASIC and ACNC reporting requirements. Edelvine also assists the Director, Governance and Compliance with corporate governance matters.


Megan Kemmis is the Manager, Governance Secretariat and provides advice and support to the Chair of Academic Senate and its committees. Megan is the Secretary to the Academic Senate of the University.

Governance Secretariat

The Governance Secretariat team reports to the Manager, Governance Secretariat and consists of:

  • Air Sinthawalai – Governance Officer to the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences Faculty Board and the Macquarie Business School Faculty Board. Assists with Academic Senate and Academic Senate Standing Committee
  • Antonia Dykes – Governance Officer to the Clinical Risk Quality and Safety Committee of MQ Health, University Elections Officer. Assists with governance committees and controlled entity boards.
  • Lucy Forshaw – Governance Officer to the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee, Faculty of Science and Engineering Faculty Board and the University Medals Committee.
  • Shirley Sorensen – Governance Officer to Academic Standards and Quality Committee and Faculty of Arts Faculty Board.

Melissa Collins is the Policy Manager and is supported by the Policy Officer, Adam Rifai. The Policy team provide advice and assistance to stakeholders on the development and review of University policies, procedures, guidelines and associated documents. The Policy Manager and Policy Officer are responsible for the administration of Policy Central, which is the sole authoritative source for all policies, procedures, guidelines, rules and related documents (including governance committee terms of reference) of the University.
