Vice-President, Finance and Resources

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  6. Vice-President, Finance and Resources

Mr Robin Payne

Robin Payne


Robin Payne is Vice-President, Finance and Resources. He has more than 30 years’ experience in finance and has acted in advisory roles with KPMG and Macquarie Bank, and as principal with Anytime and NBN Co. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Cambridge and qualified as a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, and in England and Wales. In his previous roles as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer of NBN Co, Robin was responsible for all finance-related aspects of the rollout of the Commonwealth Government’s $50 billion National Broadband Network, and for the development and implementation of NBN Co’s Enterprise Risk Management strategy. He has a demonstrated global track record of commercial innovation, strategic development, financial leadership, and organisational change with a strong understanding of financial markets, governance, and reporting.

The Vice-President, Finance and Resources

The Vice-President, Finance and Resources is responsible for the financial management and operations of the University. Portfolio responsibility includes statutory and management reporting and systems, financial accounting, budgeting, treasury, procurement and accounts payable, assets, revenue, and tax. The Vice-President, Finance and Resources is a member of the University Executive.


  • Providing strategic financial management for the University and its controlled entities.
  • Ensuring financial sustainability of the University.
  • Providing central services for accounts payable and receivable, tax, systems and procedures, management and financial accounting, business modelling, budgeting and planning, and treasury.
  • Overseeing Enterprise Risk management and Insurance.
  • Campus resources (building maintenance and infrastructure).

Portfolio areas:

  • Financial Services
  • Strategic Procurement
  • Property Services
  • Group Risk
    – Workplace Health and Safety
  • Campus Life/U@MQ
  • Access MQ
  • MGSM Hospitality
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