Executive Group Charter

  1. Macquarie University
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  3. About the University
  4. Structure and governance
  5. Executive Group Members
  6. Executive Group Charter


The purpose of this Charter is to outline the role, values and performance measures for the Executive group.


The Executive Group is accountable to the University Council through the Vice-Chancellor. The role of the Executive Group is to:

  • Provide strategic leadership for all aspects of the University's activities through supporting and advising the Vice-Chancellor in his role as chief executive and President.
  • Formulate strategy for approval by the University Council as appropriate.
  • Take a holistic view in identifying and prioritising opportunities against the University strategy — including agreeing those activities and opportunities that the University should not pursue.
  • Align and deploy University resources in a timely manner against identified priorities and decisions made.
  • Ensure adequate information and input is available on which to make wise and balanced decisions.
  • Ensure that the many 'voices' of the University and its stakeholders are heard with a particular emphasis on those who are disempowered or marginalised.
  • Own, model and uphold the values and behaviours agreed for both the Executive and the broader University.
  • Regularly and effectively communicate with the broader University community.


The Executive Group is guided by the following values:



As trustees, we collectively own and foster the long-term sustainability of the University, its mission as an academic institution and the University's articulation with the world, near and far.


We are courageous in the quest for creative enterprise while respectful of the lessons of the past.


We are rigorous in analysis, thinking and decision-making.  We seek to bring open, talented and inquisitive minds to the leadership process.


We are restless in our desire to see Macquarie University make a deeply distinctive contribution to higher education and thoughtfully address the many complex challenges our sector faces.


We value our relationships.  In all of our practices and deliberations, we recognise the need for mutual trust, respect, honesty and collaboration.


We seek to nurture and empower others.  Our desire is to see the University's students, staff, stakeholders and partners be successful and achieve their goals whilst fostering a passion for equity and social justice.

Performance measures

Under the guidance of the Vice-Chancellor the Executive Group regularly reviews its collective performance formally and informally with a major emphasis on:

  1. our effectiveness in executing the Role and Values outlined in this Charter, and
  2. progress made in implementing the University's strategy and key objectives.
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