Election forms and FAQs

  1. Macquarie University
  2. About
  3. About the University
  4. Structure and governance
  5. Elections
  6. Election forms and FAQs
Code of conduct for student elections FAQs on nominations and elections The University's repository for approved policy documents

Information for staff and students standing for election

Elected staff and student representatives are included in the University's major governing bodies (Council, Academic Senate and Faculty Boards).

The Student Representative Committee is the main student group at the University and is formed of a mixture of elected and appointed student positions.

Planning is underway for the forthcoming elections for:


  • -       student

Faculty of Arts Faculty Board

  • academic staff

A notice of election will be issued to eligible staff and students by email to their university email address in mid-March 2025.


Nominations for upcoming elections will be open after the notice of election has been issued.

A link to nomination forms will be included in the notice of election and will be added to this web page when available.

Nominations will be open for a minimum of two weeks. The due date for nominations will be included in the notice of election.

More information on student elections can be found in these documents:

Please note these will be updated and reissued at the time of each notice of election.