Committees reporting to council

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  6. Committees reporting to council
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University Discipline Committee and Appeal Committee

Reports on misconduct and discipline matters considered by the University Discipline Committee are regularly provided to the University Council. Any appeals considered by the Discipline Appeal Committee are also reported to Council.

These committees operate as follows, in accordance with the Student Discipline Rules.

University Discipline Committee

A Discipline Committee’s functions are to:

  1. provide an opportunity for a hearing to the accused Student or Student Organisation in respect of a Misconduct allegation referred to the Discipline Committee;
  2. decide whether the accused Student or Student Organisation is guilty of the alleged Misconduct; and
  3. if the Student or Student Organisation is found to be guilty of Misconduct, decide upon a sanction.

University Discipline Appeal Committee

An Appeal Committee’s functions are to:

  1. provide an opportunity for a hearing to the accused Student or Student Organisation in respect of an appeal of a Misconduct allegation decision referred to the Appeal Committee;
  2. decide whether the appeal should be upheld; and
  3. if the appeal is upheld, decide what should be done as a consequence.

The grounds of appeal are limited to whether:

  • the procedure for dealing with the Misconduct allegation was unfair in the circumstances so as to cause substantial injustice to the accused Student or Student Organisation; or
  • the sanction imposed by a Discipline Committee is inappropriate in the circumstances.

Students are guided through the Student Discipline Procedure by the Complaints, Appeals and Discipline Unit, contact