Shared academic governance

  1. Macquarie University
  2. About
  3. About the University
  4. Structure and governance
  5. Academic Senate
  6. Academic Senate projects
  7. Shared academic governance
The University's principal academic body Assisting Academic Senate in its responsibilities Advising Senate on academic, research and HDR matters

Empowering Faculty Boards

Shared Academic Governance is a model of academic governance that shares decision-making on academic mattes between Academic Senate (as the University's principal academic governance body) and faculty boards and their respective committees.

Decision-making under the new model - Stage 1 (Authorisations)

At the Academic Senate meeting of 23 July 2019, it was resolved to authorise a number of decisions to faculty boards. These authorisations were further refined at the Academic Senate meeting of 22 October 2019.

Academic Senate retained a number of functions as set out below:

Decision-making under the new model - Stage 2 (Delegations)

A post-implementation review was conducted in 2021, which reviewed the use of these authorisations and considered if any changes should be made. Academic Senate decided at its meeting of 21 November 2021 to recommend to Council that the authorisations outlined above should become delegations of authority.

Council approved amendments to the Delegations of Authority Register, section 5 (Academic Matters) at its meeting of 7 April 2022, including formalisation of these authorisations as delegations of authority to Faculty Boards. The delegations are summarised in the Faculty Board Terms of Reference under clause (3):

“The Faculty Board has authority delegated by Council as specified in the Delegations of Authority Register section 5, Delegation References 5.3, 5.6, 5.8 - 5.11, 5.14, 5.16, 5.17 and 5.22 and noted in Section 3 of these Terms of Reference.”