Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee

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  4. Structure and governance
  5. Academic Senate
  6. Committees of Academic Senate
  7. Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee
Shirley Sorensen
Governance Officer
The University’s principal academic body Assisting Academic Senate in its responsibilities

Curriculum approval and monitoring

The Committee is responsible for ensuring the quality and standards of the courses offered by the University.

The Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee is a Standing Committee of Academic Senate.

The Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee commences on 1 January 2025. For information regarding the previous Academic Standards and Quality Committee, please see this page.

The Terms of Reference for the Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee are available on Policy Central.

(As at 29 January 2025)

ChairProfessor Verity Pacey
Deputy ChairTo be confirmed
Ex-officio members
Nominee of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education)Professor Nial Wheate
Nominee of the Pro Vice-Chancellor  (Indigenous)Noeleen Lumby
Nominee of the Director, Macquarie University CollegeDr Onur Ates
Nominated Associate Dean of the Deputy Dean (Education and Employability) of each Faculty
Faculty of ArtsAssociate Professor Maryam Khalid
Macquarie Business SchoolAssociate Professor Stephanie Huang
Faculty of Medicine, Health & Human SciencesAssociate Professor Cara Hildreth
Faculty of Science and EngineeringAssociate Professor Petra Graham
Members nominated by the Faculty Board of each Faculty and the Macquarie University College Board
Faculty of ArtsDr Jillian Kramer
Macquarie Business SchoolDr Murray Taylor
Faculty of Medicine, Health & Human SciencesProfessor Mark Wiggins
Faculty of Science and EngineeringDr Rajan Shankaran
Macquarie University CollegeKaren Mills
Additional members
Member of Academic Senate 

Associate Professor Prashan Karunaratne

Student memberTo be confirmed
Co-opted members

Susan Vickery

Jason Ray

Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee meetings have been scheduled for the following dates:

  • Tuesday 11 February
  • Tuesday 4 March (extraordinary meeting - tentative)
  • Tuesday 6 May
  • Tuesday 15 July
  • Tuesday 26 August
  • Tuesday 28 October
  • Wednesday 10 December (extraordinary meeting - tentative))

Agendas and minutes for all meetings are available in Truth.

Agenda inclusions

Agenda inclusions should be forwarded to by the submission due date. The agenda item template (including submission due dates) is available on request from


Members who are unable to attend should submit apologies in advance of the meeting to:

Shirley Sorensen
Governance Officer
T: +61 (2) 9850 4272